Chapter 29|Sad story

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Yvonne's pov

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Yvonne's pov

"I was beginning to wonder how long it would take you all to come back."

"Uh oh, we are in so much trouble.", Blaise said.

"I think it's pretty obvious Blaise."

We all stood up from the floor and looked around it wasn't just Dumbledore in the room but also the Minister of Magic and a couple of Aurors.

"I'm only going to ask once and you must tell the truth."

"And if we don't."

"Petrificus totalus." the auros made us stay still.

I wonder what they were going to do to us. They opened our mouths and poured something in and it didn't taste good.

After they did that they removed the spell of us. As soon as that happened Mattheo went to one of the auras strangling them, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO TO US."

"I suggest you take your hand off him Mr Riddle." the Minister of Magic said.

Mattheo wasn't going to listen so I called him out, "Theo... it is okay." he let go and stood where he stood before.

"What we have given you is a truth serum."

"Why on earth would you give us that?"

"We can't risk any of you lying, and if you try to lie it's going to hurt. Let begin."

They made us all stand in a line and began asking us questions.

"Mr. Riddle what were you and your friends doing at the Ministry tonight."

"We went there yesterday for job opportunities and got locked in, we were just trying to find a way out."

As soon as that lie came out of Mattheo's mouth he fell to the floor and began to scream. I could tell he was in a lot of pain.

"STOP IT!"Draco shouted.

"It'll only stop when we get the truth."

"IT'S THE TRUTH!, As soon as Draco said that he fell to the floor and began screaming in pain.

"Please leave them alone," Pansy said.

"Like I said say the truth and your boyfriend and his cousin will be alright."

I saw Pansy looking at Draco in tears, "We were looking for information on the Dark Stone." When Pansy said that both boys were alright.

"Astra Avery, why were you all looking for information on the Dark Stone?"

The Minister got closer as he said, "Don't you dare fucking touch her!"Theodore said.

"We were just curious.AHH!"Astra screamed as she fell to the floor.

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