Convincing Her To Stay

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Kushi-mama, or Kushina now that Hinata's brain is working correctly, is a very beautiful woman. Hinata has heard stories how a Kitsune causes nations to collapse with her beauty and wit alone but never really understand the reason why until she is seeing Kushina. She is so beautiful her brain feel like mush. Everything about her is dreamy and sultry and dangerous.

Kushina giggles, "Am I really that beautiful?"

Hinata gasps, "I-I'm sorry! D-did I that out l-loud?"

Kushina snorts, "Why, no! You're staring, dear," She taps Hinata's nose, "My husband will be jealous if you stare too much. You know how an Incubus can be," She huffs, "Jealous bastards,"

Hinata flinches, "O-oh..."

Kushina sits quietly before asking her, "Naruto is out there being a beast because you asked to see him like that, isn't he?"

Hinata feels her face grow cold, "...I'm s-sorry..."

Kushina shakes her head, "No. It is good that you ask to see it and he agrees to show you rather than accidentally pressing the wrong button and having him snap. Open communication is vital, after all, to have a strong bond that last,"

Hinata scratches at her cuticle, head down as she says, "...I don't...I don't know if...I'm doing the right t-thing. S-Sakura s-said that I am..." Human. Not strong. Weak. Mentally different. Morally shackled.

A fur curls around her and Hinata looks to see Kushina looking, resting her head against a curled fist propped on her crossed knees. Kushina smiles, "Sakura is right to worry. But you are stronger than you think. Don't look down on the bond of Soulmates. Those who do not have one will never understand just how powerful it is. Especially with those that had accepted the bond fully and truly rather than rejecting them and taking advantage of them like some fools,"

She straightens her spine and smiles as she reminisces, "I mean...when Minato first set his eyes on me, he didn't beat around the bush and challenged me for my hand in front of my Papa. He was completely focused one me. Mind you, we Kitsune tended to gather harems and Minato was not even there for my harem selection. It was my first time gathering because...well...I just came of age and I was about to experience my first heat," She blushes, "All those posturing males bored me and I was contemplating on having them compete to the death for a chance to grace my bed and be my first when this man suddenly appeared in the doorway, seemingly lost his way to my Papa's court after taking the wrong turn from the toilet,"

She grins, "Then his eyes landed on me and the world fell apart,"

She then giggles, "The next thing I know, I'm draped over his shoulder like a sack as he ran straight for my Papa and demanded for a duel of submission. He knew if he don't that right there and then, I would be bedding one of the males vying for me that night. I was furious. Who is this bastard that dares to demand that I submit to him? Was the thought that rages through me,"

She looks at Hinata's wide eyes captivated expression, "I didn't want to believe that I have a Soulmate. I never believed in such a thing. Papa just laughs and let me take up his challenge. Perhaps thinking that I am strong enough to deny the Incubus King and won him a new territory by forcing him to submit to my will. Well, obviously that didn't happen. The more I hurt him, the more he wanted me. I thought he sick in the head but then realized that everything about me, from my disgust to my hatred to my fury only arouses him. For three days and three nights we raced across Makai, trying to force the other submit. We even had a stop at this ramen stall for a quick bite while he continuously tried to seduce me,"

She chuckles, "I was so annoyed by his constant interruption of my meal that immediately upon finishing my bowl, I punched him right across the face and into the ocean. After that the battle continued and unlike him, my stamina was depleted after days of battle while he only became more and more energized by the bloodlust I released. I might be the Great Kurama's daughter but my I am not inexhaustible like my father. As the very embodiment of Wrath and Hatred, he feeds on such emotion during battle. I am not. In fact, other than my high energy, I am just another Kitsune. Battling Minato, I earned by 3rd tail. The sudden growth of my tail completely depleted the rest of my strength and that was when Minato swoop in and..."

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