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With Konohamaru in the picture, Hinata is suddenly alone with Naruto as her sister decides to hang around the boy that she 'don't' like. Sitting between Naruto's legs on the highest slide, she feels the staff push them off the edge and she squeals at the sudden speed even though she has been expecting it. By the time they reached the bottom, she is giggling from the thrill of the ride.

Falling into the water out of her float, she looks up to see Naruto floating over her. He slyly swims towards her rising body and steals a kiss, pulling away just as their heads break through the surface. She blushes as he grins at her. Ignoring the pooling heat in her loins because this is really not the time, she swims to the edge of the pool with Naruto dragging the float along behind him. Sitting on the edge of the pool, she watch as her boyfriend pools the float up to the side before sitting down beside her.

They stares at the pool sliding down the crazy slides.

Nearby, Hanabi and Konohamaru are busy trying to shoot each other 'dead' with their rented water guns.

Naruto leans against her shoulder, touching her with his own. It is still strange to see normal human arms on him and normal human feet attached to his legs. Under the sun, his body is tight with hard planes and defined edges. It makes her mouth water and her fingers tingle with the want to leave deep scratches down his back. He looks at her with a knowing glance and Hinata gulps.

Her thighs rub against each other and she watch as his eyes glance down to her wet skirt, now sheer from the water. His hand reaches for hers and they laces their fingers together. Her lust lowers as he pulls them straight from her body. She pushes her face against his shoulder, feeling an odd kind of orgasm that rushed through her body but leaving her dry.

When he did it the first time, it had felt so strange that she preferred actual sex than...whatever it was that he did to feed on her without the sex act. But here, in public, surrounded by innocent children and no place to hide for immoral actions, the only way he could help her is to suck it out of her through hand holding. She can feel him nuzzle into her wet hair and hear his voice asking, feeling phantom fingers stroking her nerves, "Are you okay?"

She hums from a moment before nodding, gulping uncomfortably, "...I want a kiss..."

She wants more than a kiss.

Memory of when she sucked him off that one evening only fans the flame of her desire and she feels him sucking it out of her. Her mouth feels dry and she wants something in it.

Preferably him.

She pulls away with a deep flush, "...I feel like a pervert..."

Naruto chuckles, "That is a given when you consider who you are...copulating with,"

She looks at him, biting her lower lip, "...I feel empty..."

He pulls her abused lip out from her teeth, "That is because you are,"

If Naruto is a drug, then is she suffering from withdrawal?

"Hinata! I'm hungry!"

The lust spell is broken by the childish whining of Hanabi. She pulls away completely from Naruto and giggles with a blush. She looks at Hanabi, "Okay! Let's wait for Neji and his friends!"

It takes two more groups sliding down before Neji and the others reappear. Hinata waves at them and once they reached the two, she informs them, "It is now lunch time and Princess Hanabi demands to be fed,"

Hanabi stands close, tiny fists on her hips as she repeats, "I demand for lunch!"

Asuma and Kurenai joins them. Asuma asking, "You don't mind us bugging in, do you? A certain somebody will pull the ancestor of all tantrums if we separate him with another certain somebody," Konohamaru conveniently pretends to not hear him as he tugs at Hanabi's bun, causing the explosive girl to turn to him angrily, demanding that he fix her bun. It is such a classic sight of a boy wanting a girl's attention.

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