No Break

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So she has no way home. Naruto told her to keep her head down. He will try to get her out of Konoha without causing mass panic about there being a human in school. Naruto...Naruto has been most helpful. In fact, for the whole first few days she has been there, he hardly ever leave her side. When she asked him about his job as prefect, he showed her a unique ability that he has; Shadow Cloning.

He is capable of creating shadow clones of himself.

Hinata sits on a bench as she reads the map for all the clubs holding a greet and meet. There are the usual ones like the art club, the light music club, the swim club, and more. Then there are the unique ones like the dance club, the dueling club, the research club, and more. Then there are the downright bizarre ones, like the Cthulhu Club, the sex club, the exploration club, the black magic club, and more. The fact that there is an actual sex club listed in the flier causes her to blank out a little.

When Naruto joins her with an ice-cream cone that she has no idea where he gets it, Naruto tended to pop up snacks randomly, she asks him, "Are you in the sex club?"

Naruto blinks before laughing, "It would seems like it, won't it? I mean, it was actually founded by a bunch of sex demons from several different clans. Something about trying new stuff and new kinks and exchanging notes. I checked them out once. They got caught trying to bait in new blood by making them breathe in aphrodisiac. Lets just say the orgy that resulted from that is insane," He then mumbles, "I mean, that fairy was crazy. I get you have a size kink but his dick is bigger than your whole body, so..."

Hinata looks at the list, knowing full well that she's avoiding all the bizarre clubs. She asks, "Do you have a crafting club?"

Naruto's face pinched in that familiar 'thinking pose' that oddly made her think of foxes, "There was one a few years back but someone in the club gone crazy. Rumor has it that his crush is going out with someone from his clique so in retaliation he tricked the guy into the craft room and turn him into a living voodoo doll," He adds, "After that he starts a necromancy club but got murdered by his revived crush instead,"

Hinata tries again, "W-what about this art club?"

He shrugs, "The teacher in charge is a Gorgon. There is a suspicious room full of very life-like statues of missing students...I should investigate that," He twirls his tongue through his ice-cream cone in a way that makes Hinata uncomfortable. He has a really long, violet colored tongue.

She tries again, "W-what about the swim club?"

"Merfolks. You would think they are friendly but they actually enjoy drowning humans and swallow their life force as they die. Can't promise they won't notice you,"

"D-dance club?"

"I doubt that you can fool the clans that can dislocate their bones or practically has no joints just to pull a crazy move that they insisted are traditional,"

She's getting desperate, "Music club?"

"Majority is a siren or some sort of clan that can turn your brain into soup just from hearing them sing,"

Her voice starts to pitch higher, "Gardening?"

"Nymphs and other woodland spirits. They swear that humans made for the best compose,"

Deflating, she looks at the paper instead, "S-so...what club is safe for little ol' me?"

He chomps on the cone and grins at her, fangs flashing in full view, "None!"

She groans.

Naruto laughs, "Hey! I don't know about your old school, but being in a club is not mandatory here!" When she didn't look up, he offers, "You could just follow me around, you know?"

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