Naruto the Incubus

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Hinata follows behind Naruto closely as he lines up for food at the cafeteria. He had shown her how to use the machine to pay for a meal ticket. He continues to guide, "Show your meal ticket when you reach the counter. They will take it, prepare, and hand your food to you. Easy as natto,"

It didn't take long for her be seated at a table, Naruto right across her with a giant bowl of ramen with a sumptuous windmill arrangement of roasted meat, an orange egg yolk shining in the middle like citrine. She looks at her simple oyakodon in comparison. So that's what they mean by portion. Naruto easily digs in without a care and Hinata slowly follow suite. They didn't talk, more focused on eating. Because of her smaller portion, Hinata finishes first. She then watch as Naruto taps away on his phone, another Taisho product, and couldn't help but ask, "Do other brands work here?"

Naruto looks up from whomever it was that he was arguing with and shakes his head, "If you are talking about brands like Huawei or iPhone or Samsung, no. They are all human products and has no components that will allow them to work with electromagnetic wave of Makai. Let me guess, your phone broke down when you entered the tunnel?"

She nods.

He hums, "That sucks. In fact, everything for you sucks right now,"

She twiddles her fingers, "C-can't I...just leave?"

Naruto shakes his head, "Bob only comes around once a month,"

She bit her lip, her chest feels tight as she asks, "C-can't you contact him? would be s-suspicious if Otou-sama didn't hear from me for so long,"

Naruto rubs his chin, "That's the thing. I need to talk to you," He looks around, " no good. Follow me,"

Hinata follows him as he put away the dirty dishes in a trolley with the other dirty dishes. He then leads the way with Hinata following closely behind him just like when he took her to the cafeteria. She notice that the hallway has grown quieter and Naruto suddenly swivels on his heel to pull a student off of another student, "Rule breaker. Seriously! The fucking room is nearby! I don't want to see your shit!" He smacks the boy's head, "Put your dumb pecker away!" Hinata is immensely glad she didn't see anything from the way Naruto positions himself.

The girl that shows up looks disheveled. Hinata blushes as she caught sight of her flimsy lace underwear slipping down her legs along with some fluids. A tail curls behind her, the arrow shaped tip looks like a little heart as she cooed, "But Naruto~! I'm hungry~!"

He growls at her, "You are not hungry. You're just a fat glutton!"

She pouts at him, "I am not fat!"

Naruto rolls his eyes, hands taking out an official looking notebook and a pen, "Misdemeanor Ticket. This is the first for this month, I bet. Stupid fucking repeat offenders," He plasters the ticket on her face and slaps the other one on the still dazed boy, "Honestly. Don't tempt me, bitch,"

She huffs and pulls up her knickers before her eyes land on Hinata. She cooed, "Ooh~! What's this? A snack? She sure looks good," She licks her red lips as her eyes glows with hunger.

Hinata pulls away, not liking the way the girl's eyed her up and down. She had been on the receiving of such dirty looks so often that she sometimes have nightmares of just running in the dark with eyes watching her. She instinctively shifts to put Naruto between her and the girl, fingers trembling as she grasps his back. For a moment, it was Neji that stands in front of her. Suddenly, a sharp growl echoes down the hallway and Hinata feels something wraps around her waist. She looks down to see a long, snake-like tail wrapping around her waist while another whip thin tail flicks angrily besides her.

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