Sweet Dream

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Hinata don't know what happened between Naruto and her father but they seems to have grown closer. Hiashi has been stealing Naruto whenever he's home and Hinata don't know what to make of it. She's happy that her father seems more accepting of Naruto after that 'drive' he had with Naruto but the constant stealing is concerning for her.

It is only when he calls her over to have a small father-daughter bonding time over ice-cream that she learns the reason why...

"You shot him?!"

Hiashi hums, "In warning,"

"You shot him!"

He licks his spoon, "He has really powerful healing ability. His kneecap fixed themselves right in front of my eyes," Looking up, he realizes that Hinata is not amused...at all. In fact, she is fuming. A very rare sight. Putting down his spoon, he apologizes, "Sorry. It is just that...I need to know his true intention and I am actually scared of him. After all, the things that I read about demons aren't exactly friendly,"

Hinata huffs, still mad that her father blew off her boyfriend's kneecap. No wonder they come home late. Naruto must have not want her to see remnants of his healed injury. She glares at her father who looks outside the window awkwardly. As she chews on the cake cubes mixed into her ice-cream, Hiashi tells her, "If he ever hurt you...or betray your heart, tell me. I'll protect you,"

Hinata's ire settles down.

Hiashi did what he did out of love for her. Hinata has always respected her father. He is not an illogical man. He can be reasoned with. But his methods can sometimes be extreme. She still remembers the lawsuit he laid on her former school counselor after Neji revealed his true intention with Hinata. The man not only lose his job, he lose his face, and he is socially executed. Society do not take well to child predators, as they should. Hiashi's reaction towards the matter and all the other assaults that she had faced growing up was a reflection of his care for her, especially after her first trauma.

Although nothing actually happens, Hinata still recall the touches that the man left on her body that she had thought to be normal touches. She didn't know anything about sex. She didn't know anything about lust. She was innocent. She had been flustered when the boys in school started showing her favors. She thought it was normal and perhaps she was a little proud at the attention she was receiving from them. She was just a little girl who was happy at being praised. But it was not received well by the other girls in class and she was systematically shoved out of their social circles. Of course, the boys were still there but the bullying only got worse the more they defended her so she had turned to a teacher. That was what she was told to do after all.

So the more isolated she became, the more she sought out the counselor. She had grown lonely and she was looking for comfort. He was nice and he keep the bad girls away along with the rowdy boys that had started to grow aggressive for her attention. Then he started touching her. At first it was innocent touches; her hands, her shoulders, a pat on her head. After that it started becoming strange; her knees, her thighs, a hug from behind, hands rubbing 'accidentally' on her chest, sitting in his lap. He calls her his 'Doll', trying to get her comfortable with him. A kiss on the cheek...


Hinata blinks and looks up with a wobbling smile, "N-nothing. I was j-just...remembering,"

Hiashi frowns, "I hope it's about Naruto. He seems to make you happy,"

His name alone is like the sun coming out and burning away the gloomy clouds of her troubling past. She smiles as she thought about his warm hugs, his sturdy back when he carries her, his comforting presence, his large hands grasping hers, guiding her through the forest even though she knows the way. Hinata pokes at her melting pool of ice-cream, "Yes...he makes me so happy,"

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