Side; Naruto VII

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Naruto sighs in utter happiness the moment he has his Hinata in his arms. Color floods his world once more and his lungs feel easier to breath, like the weight of the sky has been lifted with her presence. Sounds change from static to symphony. Hinata make things better. Without her, everything is so irritable. But it feels like he has no energy to deal with it, only snapping when they get on his nerves.

If Hinata is his drug, then he just suffered from withdrawal for the past few days.

Hinata, too, seems content to just sleep on him the moment he hugs her. The scent of her shampoo and sweat tickles his nose. Naruto had to restrain himself from just pushing his nose into her hair and sniff her until he's dizzy from it. The someone kicked him.

He looks down to see a mini angry Hinata glaring at him with all the fury that her little body could muster. Since his Hinata is his arms, this must be a lost child related to her. So he asks her, "Who is this feisty lost child? Is she yours? She kinda looks like you, dattebayo," He looks at Hinata, "Is this where all your repressed fury goes to?"

Hinata sighs, "This is my little sister, Hanabi," She pulls away to pull her feisty little sister from her attempts to break his leg, making him pout from the chill she leaves behind in his empty arms, "Hanabi. This is Naruto. He is my lover,"

It seems that she has had enough of them translating the word 'boyfriend' into 'friend with Y chromosome'.

Naruto grins down at the little spitfire, "Hi,"

She hisses, "Stay away from Onee-sama, pervert!"

Okay. That stings. He's a pervert, true, but he's not the kind of pervert that she is used to. So in the end he just looks at Hinata who only sighs at her sister. Looking at the 10 years old girl, he shrugs, "No can do. She stole my heart and now I have to stay with her or I'll die,"

Hanabi stares at him like he's an idiot, "Onee-sama is too nice to steal anything! Liar!"

Naruto slumps, "She's too nice, that's the problem,"

Hinata looks at him, her face clearly conveying her confusion to his words.

He explains, "You're so nice that hurting you is a crime,"

Hanabi turns to her sister, her face telling her to get rid of him.

Meanwhile, Hinata throws her hands up, giving up on handling the matter between them. Well, it seems that he's on his own with this little hellcat. Hopefully he bring enough fire extinguisher and burn cream.

"Excuse me,"

Naruto looks up to see a tall boy looking at him. He looks at Hinata who introduces them, "This is my cousin, Neji. Neji, this is my lover, Naruto,"

Before Neji could say anything, Naruto is already grabbing his hand and shaking it with fervor. He grins at the bewildered look that Neji sends him, "Hi! I am so glad to finally meet you! I heard about you a lot from Hinata! You're her personal knight in shining armor! Well, let me tell you now, you are my hero, dattebayo!"

He don't care that Neji looks at him like he just sprouts a third head from that but he meant every word! He is so glad for all the protection that Neji did for Hinata. The boy had singlehandedly ripped apart every nightmares that plagued his nights. Neji's attempts to reclaim his hand is forgotten as Naruto pulls him closer, "If you ever need anything, just give me a call. I have your phone number. I'll send you mine later,"

Hanabi pipes up, "Onee-sama, he's already cheating on you with Neji,"

Neji finally snatches his hand back and pulls away with a slight disgust on his face, "I haven't acknowledged your relationship with Hinata,"

Midnight SunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora