~ A Day of Rest ~

Start from the beginning

4: "Hey man"

Smg3 immediately noticed how tired 4 looked, and how strangely pale he was.

3: "Yeah, hi..you good man? You look awful"

4: "Yeah, I'm fine, how bout you get inside, you look like a wet cat."

3: "Oh back off."

Smg3 grumbled, walking into the castle. When he got inside he noticed the large amount of fire, and Mario spinning in the middle, with his mustache enlarged, shouting something. 3 groaned, looked at 4 and grabbed his arm forcefully and dragged him into his room, not wanting to deal with Mario at the moment. Smg4 just laughed as he was dragged, amused by 3's lack of tolerance.

Smg4 stood up and brushed off the non-existent dirt from his overalls, sitting at his desk, and beginning to clatter at his keyboard. Smg3 just sat down, opening his phone and beginning to scroll through memes. After a while of silence, minus the occasional explosion outside the room, and 4's keyboard, 4 broke into a coughing fit, unable to stop.

3: "Dude, are you good?"

4: *amidst coughing* "Yeah, I'm fine!"

Smg3 shrugged it off, taking 4's word for it, and continuing to scroll. 4 was now coughing or sneezing every few moments. Raising 3's concern, though he'd never admit it was concern, so we will respectfully call it annoyance.

"Dude, are you sure you're okay? You sound pretty damn sick." Smg3 said standing up and beginning to walk over to 4.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's probably the dust or something. Or maybe it's you." 4 chuckled at his own joke continuing to tap at his keyboard, before breaking into another coughing fit, the coughs were dry and harsh, making 4 reach for his throat.

Smg3 spun 4's chair around placing his hands on either side of 4's head. He grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to 4, who gladly accepted, chugging at least half of it on the spot. Smg3 placed his hand back on the chair looking at 4 sternly.

"Thanks man-" 4 said through heavy breaths.

"Seriously?" 3 retorted, rolling his eyes.

"Hmm?" 4 responded confused.

3 pulled off one of his gloves and placed the back of his hand on 4's forehead, humming in response.

"Im fine" 3 mocked 4 "Dude you're literally burning up, how the hell is your respect for yourself so low?"

"I'm seriously fine Thre-" Four began

Smg3 placed a finger on Four's lips causing his cheeks to flush."No, I am going to go get you cough medicine, and if I come back and your computer is even ON I will drag you to your bed and delete all your editing progress." 3 said harshly, leaning away from the chair and taking his finger off 4's mouth.

" 3 said harshly, leaning away from the chair and taking his finger off 4's mouth

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"Bu-" Smg4 began to stutter.

Smg3 ignored him and walked out of the room, presumably to go find some medicine. Smg4 just sat there for a moment, contemplating what just happened. He raised his hand to his lips and touched them, what...what was that? 4 kind of liked it, strangely enough. The way 3 had been leaning over him, and the way his ruby eyes had almost seemed like they were glowing as he talked...Smg4 shook his head violently, swatting his hands at something that wasn't there, what was he thinking about right now!?

He turned around and saved his editing progress, switching his computer off. As much as he wanted to continue editing, he was much too tired to deal with an upset Smg3. He slipped his phone into his hand and rolled the chair back away from his computer. He sighed while scrolling through twitter. Smg3 returned to the room, holding a spoon and a small bottle of cough medicine.

"I honestly didn't expect you to listen" 3 said, walking toward 4.

"I didn't feel like facing the wrath of the Edgelord" 4 laughed staring at 3.

"Oh my God shut up and take the medicine" 3 growled, handing 4 the medicine forcefully.

4 began to laugh softly, and poured himself a spoonful of the medicine and downed it.

"Sounds like it's still raining..that means you're staying here I assume?" Four asked.

Three sighed, leaning down to pet Eggdog, who had been asleep peacefully in the corner for a long while now. "Yeah probably, not sure where I'll sleep though"

"You could always just sleep in my bed with me~" 4 teased, making direct eye contact with 3.

Smg3's face flushed a bright red. He squeezed his eyes shut and turned his head away, as he began to stutter a response, looking for words.

"W-WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT- YOU B-BAKA" 3 yelled, covering his face which he could feel heat up quickly.

4 began to laugh, getting up out of the chair and walking over to his bed, grabbing one of the soft pillows from his bead and tossing it to 3. 3 wasn't looking, and was hit in the face.

"OI-" 3 yelled.

4 began to wheeze as he hunched over, this didn't last long though, as he began to cough because of his laughter. Ragdolling onto the bed and sinking slowly into the mattress. This in turn made 3 laugh as he collapsed into the pillow that was just thrown at him.

"Alright scrub" 3 chuckled "I am going to go to bed now, I'm tired as hell" 3 laid down on the pillow and fell asleep rather quickly, hugging Eggdog to his chest.

Smg4 smiled and laid down, he fell asleep and it was quiet and calm for a while.

4 awoke to the sound of thunder. He groaned, not happy about getting woken up. He rolled over and looked where Smg3 was laying, and noticed he was shivering. He usually wouldn't care, but he remembered that Smg3 had cared for him that day, so he shifted out from under his blanket and quietly creeped toward 3. 3 was still sound asleep. 4 sighed slowly and gently, putting his hands under 3's back, and using pretty much all of the strength he had to lift him. He wobbled, extremely unbalanced over to his bed, and heaved 3 onto it exhaling loudly when 3's weight was off of his arms.4 then climbed back into the bed, laying next to 3. He pulled the blanket up and laid it over them both, 4 felt a bit better now, getting comfortable he fell back asleep, and didn't wake back up until morning. It was probably one of the best nights of sleep he had had. He awoke hugging 3, 3's hand tiredly laying across 4's side and 4's wrapped around his back. 4 smiled softly and huffed, closing his eyes again.

Maybe he'd just sleep in today

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Maybe he'd just sleep in today. He really appreciated the day of rest 3 had given him, he thought, drifting right back off in 3's arms.

[End! Finally! Its almost 1AM- Im tired lmao. Hope this was a good first shot! I really enjoyed making it even though it took so long! I might add art in later, but probably not(Lmao I did cause I can)]

[Words: 1721]

[Requests Here! (They are greatly Apperiated!)]

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