12. The Tasks

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I drum my fingers against the table.

I can't think straight. My mind keeps wandering, my thoughts keep crashing. I should be thinking about how to carefully spend my free time, which I'll get after our class with Olivia. But I can't when my thoughts keep getting pulled in two different directions. My pills and division.

I was given two bottles. One is red with white pills and the other is blue with pale pink pills. I need to take the white ones before each meal and one pink one every morning.

They watched me swallow it. They made sure I took it. What is it for? Is it supposed to control me or help me? Everyone was given a red bottle, so it couldn't be that bad, right?

It's going to divide the Outers who have to take extras and the ones who don't have to, like Jack. His lonely red bottle is tucked into his pocket.

My bottles sit next to my hand, on the table for peering eyes. I can't choose between throwing them or putting them in my pockets.

Adelaide was given two. The same colors as mine. Chester, on the other hand, was given four bottles. One red, one blue, one green, and one black. The pills in the green and black bottles are both pale yellow.

"So, what do you think these are for?" Adelaide asks, shaking her red bottle. Ever since we got out of class, she's been following us. She won't leave us alone.

Chester pushes his red bottle over and mutters, "Health reasons, why else would they give them to us?"

I don't know if I believe that. They didn't make us take them at the training homes. Wouldn't it make sense for our bodies to get used to the pills?

I don't know. It makes me angry that I can't understand it. It bothers me that I can't choose.

"So what are you three going to do with your free time?" Adelaide asks, trying at the conversation thing again. We don't answer. She rolls her eyes and says, "Okay, fine. I was just asking because we need partners to go to the town."

Why does she get to know this stuff?!

I nod and say, "Do you have one?"

"No. Do you?"

I fall silent and after a moment, I shake my head. Her eyes light up and she claps her hands dramatically, "Wonderful! We can go together! Come on, we need to tell them right now."

She pushes herself off the table and snatches up her bottles. She waves a hand for me to follow before spinning around. I take a deep breath and pick up my bottles.

I push myself up to hide how my hand shook from picking up the bottles. I don't like not knowing.

When I reach Adelaide, she grins, "You came. Good little Kitty. I know you don't trust me, that's okay."

"Okay," I mumble, trying to ignore the pills shaking inside their bottles. They're light but weigh down my pocket. They weigh me down like bricks.

Adelaide rolls her eyes and pulls out her card, "You'll need this."

I nod and let my eyes wander. They stop at the announcing stage, where Olivia stands adjusting the microphone. When she notices me, she wiggles her fingers.

My stomach drops when she leans into the microphone.

"Hello, Outers. I would like to say a few words. Starting today, you'll be given the chance to complete tasks to add to your final grade. Some tasks add to your points. We have a long list for each of you. Every list is different. It's not mandatory, so don't worry if you don't want to. If you do, you must follow them in order. You need some sort of proof and your signatures. That's all. Thank you."

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