《 Chapter 2: Down Below 》

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Damari can only see darkness and hear the wind blowing. As she slowly begins to awaken, Damari stands up and opens her eyes to discover herself in the middle of a forest full of dark, dead trees. She looks up and sees the sky is blood red, with a pentagram shining above her like the sun.

"What is this place?" she wondered.

Damari glances around and gasps as she sees her Coraline doll on the ground. She scoops the doll up and promptly sweeps out whatever that is on her. She gives herself a self-check to make sure she's okay and that her bag is still fastened to her. When she discovers a certain cat is missing, she panics.

"KeeKee? KeeKee! Where are you?" Damari called out.

She makes the decision to exit the woodland out of worry. She locates a light in the distance and begins to move in that direction while holding her doll close to her. Then, when Damari spots an open music box on the ground, she takes it up, shuts it, and puts it back inside her bag. Knowing that she is nearby, the light was growing stronger. After making it out of the forest, she is immobilized with fright. A Pentagram City with a large "WELCOME TO HELL" sign was there in front of her.

There are numerous diverse points of interest, including casinos, nightclubs, adult film studios, brothels, restaurants, television stations, and hotels. The area is divided into many areas. Damari didn't notice it because it was far away and she could only assume it was a clock, but the city also has a clock tower that counts down the 365 days until the Exorcists return.

"I'm... in... HELL?!!! No, no way! I didn't do anything wrong! This is too soon! How am I not dead?!" Damari exclaimed, checking herself to make sure she's alive and that she's still a human. "Oh, no... This is bad. This is totally bad. How... How am I going to get back home now?!"

She pauses as she turns to face the city again. She isn't sure if she should go there or not, but she needs to find a way to return to her home. On the other hand, given that this is Hell, one may assume that it is quite hazardous and that there are plenty of demons here. Darn it, Damari is a Christian! She cannot be present. Damari closes her eyes, inhales deeply, and turns to face her Coraline doll once more.

"Well... No turning back now."

She takes a stride in the direction of the city.


As she had anticipated, hell is filled with roving demons and other nasty creatures, so she took sure to keep her distance as she passed through. She shivers when she sees some of the extremely... nasty stores and eateries that she'd prefer not to visit. Damari always keeps her doll near to her while avoiding any demons that may approach her. Before leaving, she had to hide in every nook and cranny she could find while maintaining a low profile so that no one would notice that she was a human. She then heads into the alley where there's small space between two buildings that's perfect for her to hide.

She suddenly heard a shout and gazed up into the sky and saw a sinner who had entered Hell and been changed into a demon. He stumbles forward into the pavement and is startled to discover that he is still "alive." As she watches the man transform into a four-armed demon, Damari wonders what a dead human will become when they go to Hell, seeing how different he looked.

"Ugh. Huh?"

The four-armed demon checks himself, looking surprised and happy.

"I'm alive! I'm alive—"

Damari screams in fear and covers her mouth as he is then struck by a taxi. That man did not deserve that. She looks at the taxi driver to see a demon of the avian variety, with owl-like "ears", facial disc and short, pointy beak. He has dark gray feathers all over his body with black claws for fingers. His torso has a resemblance to a trench coat.

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