Talking Back

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I just got home from school. I went to the kitchen and got a snack. Darry walked into the kitchen. Pony and Soda were sitting at the table. "(Y/N),you need to do the dishes after your done eating" said Darry. Darry did not just say that. I hate doing the dishes. I wish he didn't ask me to do that. "Why can't you do them?" I blurted out on accident. Darry looked at me. "What did you just say?" Darry asked raising his voice a little. I sighed. Now am gonna get in trouble. I might as well just tell him sense I just said it out loud.
"Why can't you do the dishes?" I said again. Darry glared at me. "Why?! Because it's your job!" Darry yelled. "You don't need to yell" I said. "I shouldn't have to but if you don't do what your told I will!" Darry yelled. "Darry,calm down" said Soda. "Shut up Soda!" Darry yelled. "Don't yell at Soda!" Pony yelled. "Shut up both of you!" Darry yelled. That caused nothing of them to go quiet. Darry looked back at me. "Am still not doing them" I said. "You will and that's final!" Darry yelled.
"No! I won't do them! I hate doing them!" I yelled. "Don't talk about me young lady!" Darry yelled. "I can and I will!" I yelled. "That's it,your grounded!" Darry yelled. "You can't do that!" I yelled. "Watch me!" Darry yelled. With that Darry stormed to his room then locked the door. I sighed in frustration. I was still really mad at him. After I was done doing the dishes I walked to my room then slammed the door shut.

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