TikTok Account

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I recently made a TikTok account. My brothers know about but they don't know what I post on it. They'd kill me if they found out. Actually,they whole gang would kill me. I post inappropriate TikToc dances. I really like posting them. I don't know why I do. It's just something I enjoy. I have  1, 000s of followers. Clearly am doing something right. I set up my camera then started doing a inappropriate dance move. After I finished,I posted the video then put the camera away. "(Y/N),get down here right now!" I heard Darry yell. I wonder what that was all about. I ran downstairs. I looked at Darry and his arms were crossed. I gulped hoping he didn't find out about the account. He pulled him my videos on TikTok. "Explain yourself!" Darry yelled. I looked around to see that the gang was looking at me. "I was hoping you didn't find out about that" I said. "Why would you even post anything like that?" Soda asked. "Don't you know there's creeps on the internet" said Pony. "I don't know why I like doing it. I just do. I know there's creeps on the internet but I don't care. Clearly am doing something right though cause I have a lot of followers" I said. "Your gonna get us worried. Please don't ever post dances like these again" said Johnny. "We care about you. We don't want anything to happen to you" said Two-Bit. "We're just looking out for you" said Steve. "If I find out that there's creepy comments about you on there,I'll beat them up then teach you a lesson for posting stuff like that on there. I wouldn't hurt you in any way but I'd give you a lecture" said Dally. "Guys,everything is fine. You guys don't have to be worried about me" I said. "(Y/N),your grounded" said Darry. "No Darry,please don't ground me. Am sorry" I said. "End of discussion" said Darry. I glared at him the stomped upstairs and slammed my door shut. I laid on my bed. How could Darry just ground me like this?! I'll show him.

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