New Boyfriend

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I was sitting alone at the drive-ins. I came here alone cause everyone else was busy. The movie was sone beach move. That's what it was most of the time. I don't know why it was that way. I wasn't really paying attention to it. I never really do. I always pay attention to what's going on around me. Just then I saw a Soc sit next to me on both sides. I tried getting up but they pulled me back down. "Hey sweetie,what are you doing here alone?" One of them asked. "Yeah sweetheart,why are you here alone?" the other asked. "Leave me alone" I said. "Yeah I don't think so" the first one said. "Your gonna stay here and let us mess with you" the second one said. "Yeah am not gonna do that" I said. They ignored me and started putting there hands on me. I started getting scared. "My brothers are gonna kill you guys!" I yelled. "Are they here?" The first one asked. "No" I said. "Then it doesn't matter" the second one said. "Hey leave the girl alone!" someone yelled. The Socs looked up then they ran away. I looked up to see a greaser. He say next to me. "You okay?" he asked. "Yeah am fine. Thanks" I said. "Anything for a pretty girl" the greaser said. "You think am pretty?" I asked. "Of course I do" the greaser said. "Well thanks. What's your name?" I asked. "Jake. What's your name?" Jake asked. "(Y/N) Curtis" I said. "Well (y/n),your such a pretty girl. I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend" Jake said. "Sure. I mean,you did save my life. It's the least I could do for a cute boy" I said. Jake grinned then kissed me and I kissed him back.

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