27| Instinct wins

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It's a weird thing.

It can lead you to your biggest misery or solve a mystery.

For me, it lead me to my misery. The misery of my being and my heart.


Usually once in two weeks, I face a black out, where I just pass out for more than twelve hours or even a whole day.

Despite having insomnia, my body shuts itself for once in a while.

I get black outs mostly on weekends. So when people go for parties, I choose to sleep, or rather my body chooses too.

Yesterday was supposed to be my black out day, but I couldn't stop worrying about Sakina.

Something kept nagging at the back of brain. I picked up my phone several times to give her a call, but I dropped that idea thinking she might be asleep and it's not a reasonable time to call.

I smoked three packs of cigarettes, which I was trying to fast from the past two days. All wasted in one night.

Although I did texted her to remind her to take a medication, there was still a restlessness in my heart.

Like someone was calling my name and I was unable to answer it.

I don't know what triggered her last night to build her walls up. I didn't said anything which could remind her of our past. Still, I kept replying every single thing I said her through out her visit last night.

We were doing pretty well. But I will never back down. Never.

That's why the first thing I did when I saw the clock hit seven in the morning was take out my car and drive to her house.

Despite thinking of the moral conducts of not calling early in the morning or late in the night, I dial her number through my car's bluetooth system.

I frown as her number shows it's switched off and kept going on voicemail.

I speed up, now a little more desperate to reach out to her.

Maybe her phone battery died or her phone is on sleep mode. It's Saturday. It's a holiday. She must've been sleeping.

In ten minutes, I reach her neighbourhood and park my car along the playground.

As I walk out of the car, I frown noticing a police car parked a little distance from mine.

I walk towards the small lane which leads to her building. My steps falter as I see few police man lingering on the street.

I step back as a hospital van drives past me, the police car parked beside mine, follows it, along with a special forces car which I didn't noticed standing there.

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