5| Chocolates and promises

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8 years old

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8 years old.

I have only seen houses so big in cartoons.

I grab baba's hand as we walk past through the  gates.

There is a large fountain in the middle which sprinkles water, a few droplets fall on me as we walk past through it.

I wipe the water off my face as baba walks inside the big house with my hand in his.

"Tatlim." My baba crouches below me and pushes my wild hairs back. "Stay here, I will be back in five minutes."

I look around the large room where we stood, our house is so small compared to this. I look at the large windows covered by curtains and the beautiful sofas in front of them.

If we had one of those sofas, I can sleep on them. Aziz always takes more space on the bed.

"Stay where baba?" I ask pointing at the large room, "What if I get lost?"

Baba chuckles, the lines around his eyes crinkles, "You won't get lost, kızım." He pinches my cheeks. "I will find you."

"Promise?" I lift my pinky finger up.

Baba chuckles and joins our pinkies together. "Promise, bitanem."

I give his cheek a kiss as he gets up and guides me to sit on a couch.

"Don't touch anything, okay?"

I nod and sit still as my baba walks through the large hallways and enters inside a wooden door.

I smooth down my new blue dress which Anne made for me for my birthday and stare at my shiny blue shoes which had traces of mud from my school.

Baba said he would buy me a new pair on my birthday. And today is my birthday which means I will get new shoes today.

Baba was saying earlier to Anne about some work he has here on his Boss's house. Baba works in this house as something which requires his presence always to his boss.

Baba brought me here with him because he promised me that we will celebrate me and my twin brother Aziz's birthday today and we all will go to the seaside.

I look at the large windows which shows the green garden outside and spot a small white dog jumping on the bushes.

He lets out a whine as his paw gets struck in a branch.

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