4| My Cinderella

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Claps echo around the hall as my dad finally finishes his speech and says what everyone already knew

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Claps echo around the hall as my dad finally finishes his speech and says what everyone already knew.

"......welcome the new CEO of Belkis gold and diamonds, Doruk Arsel."

My dad gives me a hug and pats my back. "Take care of our hard work."

I nod firmly, "I will."

Arzu grabs my arm from beside me and gives me a warm smile, "Congratulations, Doruk."

"Thank you."

After all the mandatory speeches we all get down the stage and then again I have to shake hands with every people and nod and give a smile.

I am a smiling guy. But even that has a limit.


I turn around, excusing the manager of our flagship stores and walk towards my sister.

Safa, my sister ever so glamorous and princess dresses exactly like one, as soon I stand in front of her, she ropes me in a hug and pats my back.

"I am so happy for you!" She grins excitedly and smooths down my coat, "Boss look suits you."

I adjust the bow tie around my neck, "Was born one, just executed the role now."

"Never tone it down." My sister's husband, Murat shakes his head, wrapping an around her shoulder. "You were cocky before, I am sure your ego will strike up the sky."

I laugh, "Always aimed for the space, brother-in-law."

Murat rolls his eyes but gives me a hug.

Me and my sister run in the same friends group, so it was always convenient for all of us to be in one space. That way I could keep an eye on my sister too.

There was a time when I used to join our friends to keep an eye on someone too.

Now time has passed and so has our ways parted.

After spending some time talking with my sister and her husband my father suggests I make a round around the hall for good politics.

And I exactly do that for nearly an hour, or what it felt like it.

Look, I am an extrovert by all means but in a jittery event like this where all the attention is on me, I want to hide.

And that's exactly what I do as I slip out of the convention hall which my family owns for events like today.

I walk across the stairs outside the venue and nod at the guards standing there.

Going to the parking lot, I go to my car and retrieve a pack of cigarettes I stash in the glove box.

Lighting up a cigarette, I exhale the smoke and relish in the familiar taste of nicotine.

I never wanted to be addicted to something, but after stealing a puff of dad's cigar when I was fifteen and taking up the offer of accepting a cigarette from my friend, Farhan. I got addicted.

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