The coffee Chronicles (@* 28)

Start from the beginning


        I walked into Starbucks fifteen minutes late. I was going to forgive Vincent, but I would make sure it was well worth it. Vincent was sitting at a table fidgeting with his hands; something he did when he got nervous.

        Vincent must have spotted me from the corner of his eye, because as I approached the table he hopped up and strutted towards me. He enveloped me in a hug and I took in a huge breath. It had been so long since I smelt his familiar scent. Well only three days, but I missed him.

        "I missed you." He mumbled placing a kiss on top of my head.

        "I missed you too." I smiled

        We went to the counter and ordered before taking a seat at our table. Vincent didn't get anything, but I ordered marble pound cake and an iced cinnamon dolce latte. I had to make up for my delicious hot chocolate somehow.

        "I'm really sorry Rose." Vincent started when we took our seats at a table. "I never wanted to hurt you. You know this wasn't planned."

        "I know that Vincent, but that doesn't change the fact that it hurts."

        Vincent flinched and I sighed. "But I'm just going to have to get over it. You're going through a lot right now. The last thing you need to deal with is my crazy antics."

        "Don't say that. You have every reason to be mad at me.It wouldn't surprise me if you didn't want to be with me."

        I reached across the table and intertwined my fingers with his. "Vincent LeClaire, Do you remember what I told you in your house? There is no way I'm leaving you. When I said that we'd work through whatever was thrown at us I wasn't lying. This is God's way of testing us. I'm willing to try and pass if you are."

        Vincent smiled at me and nodded. I smiled back and took a sip of my latte. "Did you tell your mom?"

        A grimace appeared on his face almost instantly. "I don't have the balls. I'm positive she'll kill me. Especially considering the way you reacted."

        "Vincent, how long do you think you're going to be able to keep this from her? She's going to find out eventually. You have to tell her."

        "I will, as soon as I'm in my own apartment, far away from her wrath."

        "You're getting an apartment?"

        "Yeah, what else am I supposed to do? I can't stay at my parent's house. I'm about to be a dad. I want to bring my child to a real home."

        I was quiet for a moment. I think it was time I told him. We never sat down and actually talked about everything that happened with Jace. I'm not even sure if he knew that I knew that he knew. Does that even make sense? Damn I'm confusing myself.

        "I know you know."

        "Know what?" Vincent asked with a look of confusion.

        "About everything. Not just that we were together, but the baby and everything."

        Vincent didn't say anything, but I knew that I was right. I'd witnessed Jessica tell him! "I know how you feel, and that all of this is scary, but you can't make such an irrational decision. I understand that you don't want your parents to support your child, but having a baby is a lot of work, so having at least a little support is nice."

        "And I will have support; from Jessica."

        "Why? Is she moving in with you?" I have to admit, a wave of hurt was moments away from crushing me.

        "What? No, I'll just let the baby visit all the time."

        I sighed and shook my head unable to think of what to say to change his mind. "Apartments aren't cheap Vincent. How do you expect to get the money?"

        "I guess I'll get a job or something. I'll probably have to tap into my life savings and college fund."

        "Now I know why my parents were so crazy all the time. If I was half as naive as you sound, I would've went crazy too. Do you even here yourself? What about your future. We're about to graduate. Are you just going to forget about college and take care of a baby?"

        "Rose, think about how you felt. You were planning on having your baby, taking care of it, and doing all the things you wanted to do. How can you expect me to not want to do whatever I possibly can for my child? I don't want to be some selfish dead beat who doesn't care about anyone but themself and their career."

        Vincent was right. I had no business trying to get him to be selfish. That made me the selfish one. When I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to do whatever I had to do to protect my baby. I would have given up my own life if I needed to because i was that important to me. I shouldn't strip that feeling away from Vincent.

        "I'm sorry. I'm being selfish, it's just hard to imagine you having a baby, and with Jessica of all people."

        He ran a hand through. "Yeah, well neither can I." He mumbled.

        I rested my hand on his shoulder and sent him a glum smile. "We'll get through this. We still have plenty of time."

        Vincent intertwined our fingers and smiled. And with that, everything was back to normal.


I know, this chapter completely sucked, and it was extremely short. I promise the next chapter will be worth it. Also, I'm sorry it took so long for me to post. On top of being really busy, I've been really lazy.

My cousin is about to have a baby, I recently discovered that i have asthma, I have a baby project that last for a months, I have an advice paper that's due tomorrow that i have yet to start, I have three Journals due tomorrow on a book that I don't even have, I just finished exams, and I get my report card tomorrow. So as you can see, I have lots of stress. Also I've been feeling really tired lately...

The good news is that Spring Break starts monday! I honestly want to finish this story in the next two weeks, before April 10th. I have another story that I want to start. It seems like my creative juices only flow when I'm writing about something other than this story.

Anywhoo, VOTE! COMMENT! It'll make me post the next chapter sooner, and Luvies, you're in for the surprise of a lifetime. I'll dedicate the next chapter to whoever guesses what it is!!!

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