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We need to talk

My home?

Yeah sure

"Get up" Haeri shakes Woozi trying to wake him up " Bitna is coming"

"Hmmm don't wanna"

"Come on get up Hoon" she shook him harder

"Aish I'm taking a bath and then I'll pick up some food you two ok?"

"Thank you, love you"

"You love me so much you almost made my brain into mush"

"Go go" she laughed getting up herself while Bitna is coming.

Haeri can pretty much guess what's the topic of the conversation. The answer she's been waiting about the overseas job should be out and Bitna must be freaking out.

"Babe I'm going, don't go too crazy" he kissed her and left.

Not even 5 minutes after he left, Bitna storm in catching her breath, she took Haeri and pulled her to the couch.

"I got the job" she blurted out

"That's amazing" Haeri hugged her immediately knowing she wanted this "why aren't you hugging me?"

"I'm scared. I got the job and got scared"


"Leaving all behind....." she lift her glance from her legs to Haeri's eyes

"It's a huge step to move away to a new country but you've been so excited about this since the moment they asked you about it. You're amazing, you got this!"

"I know. I thought I was ready to jump but now? I'm just feeling overwhelmed..."

"Is because of Wonshik?"

"He's one of the reasons I wanna get away but then I have really good reasons to stay... you and another person...." Haeri saw her cheeks getting red


"Yeah, don't know. He's been good to me, he's helping me not thinking of Wonshik"

"And now you have to leave..." Bitna nodded

"I feel horrible if I start a life there and on the same time I'm scared when I'm back you'll forget about me...."

"How can I ever forget about my first friend here?" Haeri flicked Bitna forehead "you're my friend and always be... don't ever think that'll will change"

"I'm torn"

"Does some corn dogs and smoothies help?" Woozi came in " I thought it was too early for soju" he said making both of them laugh

"You're fine killer" Bitna patted his back "thank you"

"You'll always have us" he said

"Were you eardroping?"

"Just a bit" he smiled and put the corn dog on her mouth "eat the sadness away"

After Bitna left because she needed to talk to Hoshi, Haeri was left alone with her thoughts. Thinking of losing the only friend she made since she came to the city.

Slowly feeling a pair of arms around her, she leaned in and grabbed his hands.

"Feeling blue? If I sing it helps?"

"I love your voice but I don't know if that'll help"

"Tell me what are you feeling?"

"I'll miss her"

"I'm sure you do" Woozi hugged her harder "more?"

"She's my only friend... I'm gonna fucking miss her and I can't show it because this is a amazing opportunity" Haeri was starting to get emotional "she's going away... she's leaving an now? What if we break up whom I'll go to?"

"Look at me babe" he turn her body to him and lift her chin "she's not your only friend, you have 12 more friends plus a handsome boyfriend. You're not alone and we're never gonna break up again and even we fight and you need someone to rely on. I bet the boys would be there with you in a minute"

"Can you come with me? I think I'm gonna breakdown watching her leave"

"I'll be there" Woozi kissed her forehead " now let's sleep, ok babe?" Haeri nodded laying down on his chest

The next morning, Haeri went to the airport with Woozi and Hoshi to go with Bitna .

"I'm gonna miss you" Haeri said hugging her

"I'm not dying, you're always be my Haeri"

"Don't be a stranger"

"I'll be back when you give me a niece, killer" Bitna hugged him

Woozi wrapped an arm around Haeri while Hoshi and Bitna say their goodbyes.

"Is he ok?" Haeri asked

"No, but he'll be. He got us" Woozi answer

As they watched Bitna plane go away, Hoshi hold on to Haeri while sobbing quietly.

"Everything is ok" she rubbed his back while Woozi is being conscious about their whereabouts " I'm here"

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