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Haeri entered and saw Wonshik, they stood there looking at each other. He broke the contact and got up.

"Wonshik! You can't hide from me" Haeri said

"I'm moving tomorrow so yes I can" he said slamming the door

Haeri sighted and slowing went and sit on her couch. She didn't know if she pushed it or not, she closed her eyes.

Jihoon 🍜 💕

So I have a question


Wonshik just closed himself
Should I try and talk to him?

He's acting like a spoiled brat


It's the truth
You wanna talk with him, so just go knock
If he tries anything tell me

He's not like that
Maybe some yelling

Call me after
I'm in my studio working if you need me

"Wonshik! Open the door. We need to talk"

He groan opening the door "what?" He asked

"We need to talk."

"No. You're just gonna say you and that dwarf are dating and you're gonna break my heart!" He said "tomorrow I'll be out of your life"

"First he isn't a dwarf." Haeri point here finger at him "second you won't be out of my life. You're my best friend"

"Yeah the one you forgot since you came here"

"I had so much going on. You can't blame me for that. Just listen to me!"

"I will only listen if it's you saying you will break up with him"

"I like him... I can't do that but I need you by my side either way. Let's not lose this friendship"

"I can't see you with him Haeri. I waited for you and now I lost you"

"I'm here" she hugged him "I'm here for you and for all your problems but I can't be there as your girlfriend I'm sorry"

"It hurts" he said squeezing her and started crying " I love you since the moment I saw you. I lost you"

"I'm here. You're my best friend. I will be here for you, I'll give you time to move on but please stay my friend. You'll find the perfect girl for you, well you already met her. You just need to open your eyes" she said making laugh

"I love you Haeri, I'll need time to deal with all of this.... Are you really dating him?" She nodded " I hope someday I can feel happy about that" he said

Haeri went to bed after their talked, she was sad that he was crying, she felt kinda guilty but she knew she did the best she could do.

Turning in her bed without sleeping, she decided to call Woozi.

"Hey" he said answer the phone "what's wrong?"

"Can't sleep, still working?" She asked wishing he was there with her

"Going home. I just locked everything... are you ok?"

"No" she started getting emotional "we talked but it was stressful. We're gonna be ok, but not now"

"Wanna go for a walk?"

"Aren't you tired?"

"For you I'm not"

Not long after Woozi was waiting for her downstairs, he could tell she was not ok and needed a breather before going to sleep.

"Hey babe" he said and kissed her when she came in his car "are you hungry?"

"Hmm maybe?"

"I'll take that as an yes" he smiled starting the car

The next day Bitna wanted to speak with Haeri but the girl was working non stop. She's having a busy day trying to leave at time because today she's gonna meet Seventeen.


Where are you?
Do you wanna have dinner?

Meeting Seventeen today

The killer is going to introduce you!
So sweet

I'm nervous

Don't be
Be you!
Good luck

Arriving at the dorms, Haeri took a deep breathe before ringing.

Woozi open the door smiled widely as he saw her " you came"

"You thought I would run away?"

"You still can" he chuckled

"Haeri!!!" Hoshi yelled and hugged her

"Now you can't" Woozi said pushing him off her "go call everyone"

"We're here. Hello Haeri" Scoups said and after him everyone started introducing themselves

"Hello, I'm Haeri" she bowed " I'm Jihoon's..." she looked at him shy of saying

"Girlfriend. She's my girlfriend" he said putting his hand over her ears.

The members started screaming ,yelling and even jumping around them two.

"Aish behave! You're gonna scare her away" he said hugging her.

"Omg we need to celebrate this!" Dino said "Mingyu let's bake! To the kitchen"

"I know something better! Let's go to Jeju" Seungkwan said " you're from there too right?"

"Yes" Haeri said

"We have some days off" Wonwoo said "it's not impossible"

"Haeri! Chocolate or red velvet?" Mingyu asked wearing an apron"

"Chocolate please" she answer smiling "thank you"

"Sorry for them" Woozi said " are you ok with the trip?"

"Are you serious?"

"I don't mind having a trip with you. Can you take some days off work?" She nodded "ok let's do in 3 days" he kissed her

"Ewwww I wasn't prepare for that" Jun said earning a glare from Woozi

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