Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


After my meeting with the warriors was over and plans were made for the following few days, I waited until it was just Nuri and I left in the room. Since our visit at the temple, she's been quiet while sitting next to me.

"My heart, are you okay?" I cautiously questioned as she looked up at me with a soft smile on her face.

"Yes." She paused before looking away. "Have you ever had a visit with your Goddess, Storrerhia? Did she ever tell you something so mystifying that it left you feeling some type of way?" She inquired while glancing up at me again. I stared down at her, searching her face for something. Something to tell me she was just pulling my wing to see my reaction. When I found none in those big worry filled eyes, I knew something was up.

"Nuri, the mother of all visited you?" I questioned, turning completely towards her as she nodded hesitantly. "Okay. Okay. This is big. Nobody's ever been visited by any of the Gods or Goddesses. What did she say to you?" I asked on as she reached out for me before I took hold of her hands, gently rubbing my thumbs over her palms. They were oddly clammy and cool as I watched Nuri's face contort with this troubled expression.

"She said my friends were okay and told me the locations of each. But, she also said that we played important roles here. That's a lot to think about. I don't know if I can handle all of this." She confessed, hiding her face behind the loose ends of her hair. I released her hands before tilting her chin up as we stared at each other.

"Nuri, my heart. I promise you, everything will be okay. You are not alone." I soothed while gently stroking my thumb over her cheek. "Your worries are my worries. Same with your burdens and your problems. Whatever Storrerhia has told you seems to have shaken you up. We're in this together. No matter what happens." I leaned forward, gently kissing her head as she took a deep breath before her shoulders drooped.

"That's not all she said. A war is among us and in a few months, it'll all start to unravel. I'm scared of what's to come, Mizail. What will happen to us? What's coming in the next few months?" She whispered the last part as I pulled her into my arms.

"Whatever happens, we'll deal with it together." I mumbled into her hair as she sighed against me. We sat in silence for a while as I rubbed circles on her back like my lorna used to do to me when I was a small fledgling. Once Nuri had calmed down, she slowly drew back while looking up at me.

"I'm okay." She smiled while reaching for my hands as I took hold of them. "This meeting you had today, what was it about?" She inquired as I smiled down at her.

"It's our usual post mating season meeting. I gather the warriors that aren't mated and we discuss the hunts that will follow once the mating season comes to an end. Our food supply usually gets low and we usually go out and hunt but instead of doing it at night time, we do it during the day. Most of the times, we'll carry it over throughout the nights and not return until we have enough food to support our entire tribe." I explained as she stared at me wide eyed. "During those times, the current leader and his mate will lead the group while the past leaders and mated warriors watch over the tribe."

"So, we're both going?" She questioned while gesturing between the both of us with our intertwined hands. As I nodded, her eyes lit up with excitement. "Sounds like we'll be letting off steam. I'm in. Who's all going with us?"

"You and I, Ahmaer and Adai, and a mixture of mated and unmated warriors. We usually bring the unmated warriors along since we sometimes stop over in the other tribes for a quick trade or rest." I explained as she nodded. "With the mating season coming to an end, we should be heading off to hunt the day after tomorrow." I added as she nodded, excitement taking over her features.

"Do I need to pack lightly or can I bring whatever?"

"Bring what you like but remember, we'll be out in the desert with plenty of sand and lots of heat." I cautiously warned her as she nodded.


The next few days flew by in a blur as I patiently awaited my mate. I had already went over the plans with the warriors, who stood before me, prepping their gears and awaiting my orders. After I had told Nuri about the upcoming hunting season, she immediately left my house and I haven't seen her since. I did let her know the time and location of our meeting prior to our expedition through Kaisen's telecommunicator that he gave me but I didn't get a reply back.

"What are we waiting on?" One of the warriors questioned as a few started sneering about Nuri. As I peered over the crowd with a glare, I finally noticed our unwanted guests. My lorno stood off to the far back while Azora and Dralnith stood proud in the center. How blind was I not to notice this.

"We're awaiting your leader." My lorno sneered as they all turned to look back at him in surprise. "Since she's not here, Yusa and I will take over the hunt while you stay behind. You're not ready to lead." He smiled while walking towards me as the warriors stepped back to clear the way for him. Before he could even get closer to me, Nuri stepped between us. She seemed different as she turned to my lorno and smiled.

"Ah, my apologies for being late. I was assisting Yusa with a quick task that was supposed to have been done by her mate who suddenly disappeared." She explained as I stared down at her. She wore an outfit almost similar to Kaisen's desert wear but hers was more fitted with the same intricate design as her scarf that she had carefully tied around her neck. "Yusa also told me that since you insist on joining us, she'll watch over the tribe." Nuri added before turning to me with a smile on her face. "Shall we head out now before the sun comes up?" She questioned as I nodded, giving the warriors the go ahead as they began to leap off the cliff before spreading their wings and swooping low.

"Good morning, Nuri!" Adai greeted as her and Ahmaer stepped up next to us. They had started to converse excitedly as Ahmaer looked over at me.

"Seems like we'll have fun this hunt." He quietly laughed as we watched Dralnith and Azora walk by, eyes glued to both me and my mate. "Even your lorno is here. I'll be here if you need me." He nodded as I could hear my lorno approach us. Nodding to Ahmaer, he quietly joined our mates as my lorno stepped up beside me with a scowl on his face as he stared at my mate.

"Your human will only hinder our hunt. Does she even know how to fight? Let alone, does she even know how to keep up with us?" He sneered as I growled at him, my anger rising once again.

"No need to worry about me. I can pull my own weight." She chirped in with a smile as she appeared before us. She quietly adjusted the large brown pack on her back before flipping her hand out, flame swirling between her fingers like snakes. "I'll meet you two at the destination." She smiled before turning and heading towards the cliff. Though I knew my mate had powers, I was still worried about her. How would she get down the cliff safely if she didn't have wings?

"Would you like me to help you?" I called out as she looked back at me before shaking her head. Just as Ahmaer and Adai disappeared over the edge, Nuri stepped forward, inching closer to the ledge before turning to us.

"Don't take too long!" She called back before falling back over the cliff as it took everything in me to not run after her. A moment later, she shot up into the air on a red looking cloud with a smile on her face. I couldn't help but to admire her abilities as she flew off into the fog.

"Hmph! Humans seem to be adapting. She still won't be our leader. Nobody wants her here." My lorno growled as I had forgotten he was there. My admiration for my mate quickly disappeared at his words.

"Nothing is ever good for you. But, I will not let you treat Nuri like you did with Calix. I was younger then but I'm older now. Shall you make my mate feel unwanted, I'll be out for your blood." I warned while making my way towards the edge of the cliff as I could hear him behind me.

"No matter what you do, she'll still be a worthless human."

"I can't wait for her to show you that she's more than what you think. Keep living your life hating my mate. As long as you do not touch her or make her feel unwanted, you'll be fine." I interrupted him before stepping off the cliff and spreading my wings, flapping quickly to catch up with my mate.

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