schloss aus süßem schokoladenrotem samt: Is anything even real? [33]/[13]/[4]

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I woke up in my bed

-Ugh... Let me just... Ngh... -I fell of my bed- AH! Owww...

Are you ok?

-Ugh... What do you want...? You disgusting pedophile...

Hey! Don't call me that! Say that to your father instead!

-What?! Hey! My father's not a lolicon!

He was!

-Shut up! What about your uh... I don't know. Your father! Oh- Sorry- I forgot! You don't even have a father because his purpose in life was being a fucking "speed bump"! Aahahah~!

Oh, you're going to pay sooo hard once I get you... Oh- And what about your girlfriend that became a whole chicken turkey! GULULULULULUULULULU!

-You bitch!

Anyways, let's just stop roasting each other and go to school, I really want to see your beautiful face today~

-That's something a creep would say!

I'm not a creep.

-Shut up, already! I'm not going to school and I'm using my powers!

Hah! As if! You don't even have powers! Try to transform into full Vampirix! See what happens, my dear!

-Fine! I'll do it! Transform me into Vampirix! What the- Transform me into Vampirix! You took half of my fucking powers away! But at least I have half of my powers to use! Transform me into half Vampirix!

I got transformed into half Vampirix

-What are these things in my ears? Wait- Are these my ears? Cool! 

"Cool"?! They're fucking ugly! What are you talking about?!

-Like you have any style!

I have! Unlike you who's fucking "scene"!

-I was supposed to be gyaru for life, but A CERTAIN "SOMEONE" changed my life forever and I had to change my style!

I'm sorry!

-I didn't ask your opinion!

Ok! Go to school!

-Bitch! "School"?! What do you mean "school"?! I'm not going to school! I'm going to save the world from demons like you!

Okay! Do that! I don't mind! You can save the world because I'm already too old to do it!

-Oh, so you're fine with me doing this?

Yes, as long as you don't hurt yourself, I'll be fine. But- Please! Go to school first! You need knowledge to understand your enemy's next move!

-Ugh... Not school...

I'll teleport you there, okay? Teleport Y-521.k to school.

I got teleported to school

Sighs -He finally did something good with his powers... Wait- Kuragari! Teleport me back home! I'm still in pajamas!

What?! Oh my god... Teleport Y-521.k back home.

I got teleported back home

-Thank you. Please, don't you fucking dare try to peek while I am dressing up!

You can be calm, I promise that I won't do anything like that.

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