Shimmering Crystal Eyes and Shattered Lives Lost

Start from the beginning

Last person leaving the room all happy as they had custom shirts on signed and all with a large slash of red link Hijìn would furrow his brow in confusion until it was his turn to go inside and for a moment he hesitated. "What is wrong with you? Go in! You can't have an episode now you've got people waiting on you!" "I..Fine!" Hijìn said going between two guards on the sides of the door inside into the backstage to see if his suspicions are true or not if Kÿr could be here. Stepping inside of this enclosed dark room you can tell there have been use of narcotics and other hallucinogenic substances as pieces of food have been left by over filled trash cans, clothes thrown over some pieces of furniture, all that was left in this room of mostly darkness was the sense of being watched over by someone new. Taking some careful steps over some random debris you hear some shuffling under some furniture, dashing left and right, the small glint of white passing by until merely glancing at your right you see a blades edge glazed right by your cheek. Swiftly turning on the dime you manage to catch the blades hypersonic swings until it was settled and the being hiding in the darkness made itself visible.

White plastered mask with a single thin line going down its hollow black eyes, light grey messy hair resting down on its facade was met with a loose hanging black jacket in a red detailed finish, baggy dark pants, new height and stature, and forcibly gripping this long and slender blade right in front of your face immediately was met with a deep a guttural sounding mechanical voice echoing out: "Who are you..apart of the Resistance? Work for the Blue Hound of Sin? Here to fish me out for info you dirty snake?!" The being creeping closer as it made you step back a few times from how close they kept pressing the blade, Hijìn looking around as he tried to answer only for his ideas to crumble for a moment until Xèhtrï took the lead once again. Being getting closer and closer till eventually shouting out in the same voice: "Speak or Fall down like countless before me meek snake of the filth!", just as Xèhtrï instantly reverted the changes to Hijìn's body causing him to gain his height, stature, and full appearance back making the Being freeze in place.

Hijìn standing there as who he was gained his black eyes and smoky emerald eyes back and could just barely see through the facade, but before he could say anything the Being spun the long 2.5 meter long in between their fingers and sheathed it into their side looking bewildered even behind the mask to who they were seeing. "Hijaan? You're alive..?", taking the moment to encircle the man a bit as they checked under his arms, his legs, grabbed his face and moved it around a bit even taking notice to those strange green eyes he has. Hijìn tried to respond only for the being who stood a decent size taller now simply couldn't understand how this was possible, "Vijerre Vijerre..Vastita Ver vestas it actually you? It's been..ages...." "'s me." The Being stopped leaning to their side unable to believe this any further, touching their cold white mask making it hiss they slowly pulled it off as their hair settled over their face. Crystalline yellow eyes shimmered onwards without falter, strange black lines poured down from their eyes reaching to their jawline, two small circles on either side of those black lines resembling black tears, most notably two cheek holes that went on both sides after his mouth, and a more defined snout and nose that prior, it was if he had aged years in mere cycles like if nothing happened. "Kÿr..? Is that actually you? You seem..different?", "Tch what'd you think Virdiota?! Pfft..It's been actual years since I've last seen your dumb face..since that happened..", the Sìrlan rushing in and hugging the large man so tight that it was actually crushing him with immense force and lifting him a few feet in the air. The man groaning in pain a bit as he couldn't even hug back due to his arms getting crushed underneath Kÿr's new found strength.

Planted back down the Sìrlan who now stood closer to five foot ten to eleven still couldn't meet eye to eye yet but still gave it his all to meet with a long-lost friend. Hijìn catching his breath and stretching his arms would think on a small issue 'years..what does he mean by years..if I'm wrong..I last saw him..I-I don't..remember..I..can't remember?! All my memories..they..are mismatched..what is this?!', Hijìn thought as he would ask Kÿr who fixed his jacket over his right shoulder firmly, small golden chain holding the loose jacket over him was merely covering the skintight black shirt underneath.

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