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After Bai Nuosi returned to the house with the little black snake in his arms, he put the little black snake on the sofa. He patted his chest in fear and lay by the window and carefully looked at Huo Ranchuan outside the door.

  After confirming that Huo Ranchuan had left, he breathed a sigh of relief and closed the curtains.

  He looked at the little black snake coiled up on the sofa obediently, took out his brain and sent a message to Mengsi: [Director Mengsi, I am really sorry to disturb you so late. Are you asleep? 】

  Of course Mengsi didn't sleep, how could he sleep?

  At this moment, he had just connected to Huo Ranchuan's video call.

  Huo Ranchuan was still standing in the garden of the accommodation area, but he walked farther away and stood in a dark place to ensure that Bai Nuosi could not see it.

  Meng Si wiped his sweat nervously, looked left and right, and did not see Teng She around Huo Ranchuan. He hesitated: "General, didn't Teng She come back?"

  Huo Ranchuan: "..."

  Huo Ranchuan didn't know what he was thinking of. He stretched out his hand to wipe his face, looking a little uncomfortable: "That's what I'm telling you, Teng She... just let him stay with Teacher Xiaobai these days. ."

  Meng Si was a little puzzled: "General, Xiaobai has to take care of Black Panther, and Soaring Snake is following him as a cub?"

  What he told Bai Nuosi before was that Black Snake was also a cub in Area S, but there was no nursery.

  For this reason, he was severely glared by Huo Ranchuan!

  If Soaring Snake is allowed to follow Bai Nuosi, won't Bai Nuosi have two cubs next to him?

  Mons: "..."

  Spiritual beings usually have so much energy, and they also have various problems. For example, the black panther cub rejects contact with people, which is a big problem. Mons can't even arrange an assistant for Bai Nuosi, because the black panther cub will reject it.

  Bai Nuosi, who has no assistant and has to take care of two S-class mental cubs, will be exhausted.

  Huo Ranchuan himself felt a little guilty when he said, "The Black Panther is a cub, and the Soaring Snake is not. What are you worrying about?"

  Mons: "..."

  Meng Si scratched his head and smiled sheepishly: "Ah, yes, I almost forgot."

  Huo Ranchuan: "..."

  Huo Ranchuan: "It's okay to let Soaring Snake follow them. Han Baiyi's Black Panther mental body has just differentiated and is not yet stable. Many people outside are inquiring about this S-level mental body. The Han family may also take action. , you should also pay more attention here and keep an eye on the defense system."

  Meng Si's face instantly became serious: "Copy that!"

  As soon as Mengsi hung up the video communication, he saw the text message from Bai Nuosi.

  Bai Nuosi was worried that calling him would disturb him while he was asleep, so he sent him many messages.

He briefly talked about the little black snake, and finally said that he could take care of the two babies, and asked Director Meng to make arrangements so that the baby black snake would not be handed over to the guard again.

  Bai Nuosi didn't say anything bad about Huo Ranchuan. He didn't even say anything about Huo Ranchuan whistling at the black snake or swinging the black snake around. He just expressed euphemistically that the guards had intense training every day and had not received professional child care. For education and training, it may not be appropriate for Huo Ranchuan to take care of the cubs.

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