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After Bai Nuosi hung up the phone, he came to sit on the sofa. The Black Panther Zai's eyes followed his movements and remained glued to him.

  Bai Nuosi felt soft in his heart. He stretched out his hand to hold the black panther cub in his arms and stroked its head a few times comfortingly: "Are you hungry, baby? Let's eat now. Once you're full, you can go to bed. Go to sleep."

  Han Baiyi: "..."

  Han Baiyi nestled quietly in Bai Nuosi's arms, watching Bai Nuosi holding a steamed egg in one hand and a spoon in the other, apparently wanting to feed him.

  Han Baiyi was a little nervous. It turned out that the treatment of being a cub was like this. It seemed inappropriate for a cub with a mental body, but it was just right for an adult male college student!

  Bai Nuosi scooped up a spoonful of egg custard and fed it to the black panther cub's mouth: "Baby, ah~"

  Han Baiyi: "..."

  Han Baiyi opened his mouth silently and ate the egg custard in one bite.

  Although the egg custard is covered with diced vegetables and meat, because the cub's food requires less oil and salt, the white wine only contains very little salt, and it is impossible to add soy sauce or other seasonings, so the taste is very bland.

  But the egg custard tastes particularly good, tender and fragrant, and tastes better than all the food Han Baiyi ate at that home.

  Han Baiyi took one bite after another without any coaxing from Bai Nuosi, and he finished the whole night's worth of egg custard in no time.

  Bai Nuosi said distressedly: "It seems that the baby is really hungry. Let's eat some more meat."

  After a while, the bottom of the bowl of fresh beef was gone.

  Bai Nuosi happily praised him: "Baby, that's great! All the food is finished; there is no leftover food, no picking vegetables, you are really good at eating by yourself."

  Han Baiyi: "..."

  Teacher Xiaobai has a lot of stock in this jingle?

  It is no exaggeration to say that in the half day he spent with Bai Nuosi, he received more compliments than he had heard in ten years.

  Bai Nuosi took a tissue and wiped Black Panther's cub's mouth. He looked at Black Panther's cub's belly with some confusion: "Why is your belly still so flat? Are you not full?"

  Han Baiyi thought to himself that these two small bowls of food were only enough to fill his stomach. If he really wanted to be full, this would definitely not be enough.

  Although the mental bodies are cubs, because they evolve once a month or so, they consume a lot of mental power, so they eat a lot, but it doesn't matter if they don't eat for one or two meals. The little black panther has not eaten before.

  However, the genes of different beasts have different evolution cycles. Some spiritual bodies evolve completely in a month, which consumes a lot of mental power, so their food intake is relatively large.

  The evolution cycle of some spiritual bodies takes two months, but generally it does not exceed three months.

  Of course, there are exceptions. For example, the spiritual body of Huo Ranchuan, the leader of the central area of ​​the empire, has an evolution cycle of half a year. After the evolution is complete, even now, it will still shed its skin two or three times a month. Each time it sheds its skin, its body shape will change. As you get older, your mental strength will also improve.

[BL] Being a Kindergarten Teacher for S-Class Spiritual Bodies [END]Where stories live. Discover now