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Huo Ranchuan and the other party looked at each other silently, and the other party's hands trembled slightly;

  He looked at the giant Soaring Snake with a huge body and two wings that covered the sky. When he saw the Soaring Snake's golden vertical pupils as big as lanterns, his heart was shocked. He gritted his teeth randomly and applied a little force to Bai Nuosi's neck. A line appeared on Bai Nuosi's neck. blood line.

  Huo Ranchuan's hand tightened and his voice was cold: "Don't hurt him;"

  He was silent for two seconds before saying, "I'll let you go."

  As soon as Huo Ranchuan finished speaking, he took a deep look at the unconscious Bai Nuosi. Then, as soon as his hands were loosened, the whole person fell straight down in the thick darkness of the night. The flying snakes flying around the aircraft quickly After flying over, Huo Ranchuan easily landed on Teng She's huge body in less than two seconds.

  He squatted on Teng She's back and looked at the aircraft that was gradually moving away. He touched Teng She's head comfortingly and explained in a low voice: "This is a residential area in the central area. We can't act rashly. Don't worry, I will do it for you." Xiaobai will be rescued."

  But now that Bai Nuosi is in the opponent's hands and still unconscious, the situation is indeed a bit tricky.

  Which force is actually targeting Teacher Xiaobai?

  It's best not to let him find out, otherwise, he will definitely not make things easier for the other party.

  Huo Ranchuan squatted quietly on Teng She's back, silently watching the opponent's flying aircraft. After a moment, he clicked on his brain, and there were two dots, red and green, moving in parallel. The red one was the one he had just moved. The green locator stuck in the opponent's aircraft belongs to Bai Nuosi.

  Huo Ranchuan stared at their moving coordinates and whispered to comfort the anxious Teng She: "Don't be anxious, just wait until they leave the central area..."

  At this time, a group of big black birds suddenly appeared in the high sky in the distance. Those birds were all wild birds. They were very large and looked like wild geese, but their beaks were very sharp. They flew in from nowhere, huffing and puffing in a large group. Suddenly and fiercely attacked the aircraft.

  Before the people in the aircraft could completely get rid of Huo Ranchuan, they were suddenly attacked by birds.

  Someone asked nervously and loudly: "What on earth is going on with these birds? Damn it."

  "Is it Huo Ranchuan's fault?"

  "No, it doesn't seem like it. These birds are not spiritual beings. They shouldn't be manipulated?"

  The man holding Bai Nuosi hostage was the leader of these people. He put away the dagger, glanced at the unconscious Bai Nuosi, and said coldly: "It's too difficult to lure Teacher Xiaobai out of the rose garden. This time Chance may well be the only chance, no matter what, to get him off this planet."

  He took out the laser cannon and looked at the black birds densely surrounding the aircraft: "Burn them."

  They opened a window of the aircraft and took out the laser cannon. Once the shells were fired, they could burn all the birds to ashes.

  The aircraft is made of special metal, which is fireproof and waterproof, so it is not afraid of burning.

  He was holding a laser gun and just opened the window when a big bird suddenly rushed over, opened its sharp claws and clawed at his eyes.

[BL] Being a Kindergarten Teacher for S-Class Spiritual Bodies [END]Where stories live. Discover now