The Wynter Clan

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"Kael," a soft voice calls out to me. His voice sounds familiar, and, in its familiarity, it calms me.

"Kaelyna," now the voice sounds rushed, almost anxious in its need to reach me in my deep slumber.


Now the voice is no longer soft. It is sharp, and vivid as it assaults my ears. My eyes scrunch together. I want to ignore it. To continue dreaming of the shimmering sun that paints soft hues of yellow and orange on the clouds. I'm flying, no, soaring above them. They touch the tips of my wings- wait when did I get wings? I don't have wings only Papa and Emyl have wings. I blink in confusion and then focus my eyes once more, straining through the shine of the reflecting sun off my scales. Yes, I'm sure now those are definitely wings. Strange. They glisten brightly an almost ethereal shade of white. They look like Papa's wings.

"Kaelyna! WAKE UP!" The voice is much louder this time and before I can contemplate what it means when the wings grow to become much darker, I am woken up.

Emyl is above me panting, his face twisted in concern for a moment, but then suddenly it is much more relaxed. I yawn, rubbing at the sleep that still clings to my white lashes. "Kaelyna!" I look at him once more and then I notice it, the blood that streams down his face from a gash in his forehead, the exhaustion that radiates from his eyes. What happened to Emyl? Emyl looks scary. He must see the fear in my eyes because he quickly swipes at his face, wiping away most of the blood, tears, and fear from his eyes. I look around frantically. Where's Papa? Where's Mommy? I'm scared.

"We must go Kael. We have to hide." Emyl whispers quickly to me.

"Go where, Myl? Where are we going? Where's mommy and papa?"

"Listen Kael we must hide. I'll answer all your questions later but first, we have to-" He rushes the words out but then they are cut off by the sound of metal.

I look into his eyes once more, they go wide. Concern fills his gaze and then another which I do not know. His pupils turn real small and a gurgle escapes his lips. What's happening? What's wrong with Emyl?

"Emyl are you okay?" I ask as he slumps forward, crushing me.

My tiny arms push against him, as I try my best to lift him off me. "Emyl, you're heavy. Stop playing and get off me." I push again but he doesn't budge.

I try again and he finally rolls off me to the side. I try to brush off my clothes because I don't want to get dirty like Emyl. Mommy will be mad if I get all dirty. I turn to Emyl, but he doesn't move. My eyes go big, and I scream out. A large arrow is sticking out from his upper back. Flustered I glance around frantically. Where's Mommy? Emyl's hurt. Where's Papa? A loud roar shakes me from my thoughts and in a moment of relief I sigh, "Papa." Then suddenly everything goes dark.

I'm no longer a child but now I'm floating, surrounded by darkness. "Kaelyna, it's time." A soft twinkling voice calls to me. I turn my head in search of the voice and in the distance of the black that surrounds me, I see a soft blue glow. Before I can focus my eyes on it, I'm awake.

"Good morning, Lady Kaelyna, are you awake?" Myra calls from beyond the door of my room.
I rub my eyes with the back of my hand and let out a sigh. It was just a dream Kael. It's not that night. You are okay.

Violet Embers: The Forgotten OneWhere stories live. Discover now