Arthur stretched his neck and knowing Elia was watching him, Rhaegar raised his head and blocked her vision and they shared a kiss as Arthur reached for his shirt. "There is no other woman in this kingdom who deserves that crown more than you.", he whispered into her lips and Elia winked at Arthur.

"Would you mind give us some space dearest? The hour is still early.", her smile grew as she pressed her lips together. "Or perhaps you can join us.", her hands were playing with Rhaegar's hair. "I might enjoy that even more.", finally wearing his shirt, Arthur turned to Elia to raise his eyebrows and she shrugged.

"Pregnant women usually crave food; fruits most likely, not their husband's best friends.", Rhaegar murmured as he rolled himself to his back, to the spot where Arthur left a minute ago and grimaced just like he did and covered his eyes with his arm. "I mean, it is unheard but I might have consent,", both Elia and Arthur opened their mouth to say something in shock but Rhaegar continued. "if I didn't know Atera would rain hell over both of you.", they all grimaced to that.

She would talk and talk and talk for an eternity -if they are lucky, she would stop with that. Elia had a feeling they would not be that lucky. "I am not in a mood for that.", she pursed her lips. "Perhaps later on."

"Your grace,", Arthur, just to spite Rhaegar, walked over them, leaned down and placed a lingering kiss to the corner of her mouth while maintaining the eye contact with Rhaegar. "perhaps you should prepare your husband for losing.", he kissed to the spot under her hear and Elia sighed. "I can give you a crown as well."

"Yep, that is enough.", Rhaegar came in between Elia and Arthur. "Close the door on your way out and wore a chainmail under your armour.", Rhaegar ordered as he started to unlace his pants. "I am going to wipe the floor with you today, Arthur Dayne."


"Did he said something about me last night?", Ashara matched her steps as they walked towards the jousting area. "Antyhing at all?"

"I haven't spoken to him last night.", Atera answered coldly, sparing her a small look and nothing else, returning back to speak to Alea.

"Why are you lying?", Ashara frowned. "I know he did not stay at the black cells and was with Rhaegar. You surely talked something. I am not asking you to tell me everything directly but at least give me a hint on what to do. Should I apologize or pretend nothing has happened?"

Atera stopped walking and frowned at her. "Perhaps you do not deserve his forgiveness if you are this out of touch with him, feeling the need to ask this question.", she looked at her with a very obvious scold in her eyes. "Don't apologize,", she raised her chin. "if you cannot bring yourself to do so."

"You are in no position to judge me.", Ashara claim, took a step forward. "Have you apologized from your own brother?"

"It is not the same.", she shook her head. "When things got out; Arthur did not disappear for me to handle things alone like Eddard Stark did so to you last night. My choice worths something."

"Ned was told to stay behind.", Ashara defended him. "By his betters, so he listened to them. Arthur thinks he can solve anything."

"Your lover abandoned you when you needed him the most, Ashara. Let others lie on his behalf instead of facing you and only remembered of your existence when there was no danger for him to do. Congrulations; you saddled yourself with a coward.", Ashara gritted her teet. "This is a betrayal and I can assure you, there will be more to come because you are not smart enough to know when to end things."

"And what would you do?", Ashara held her arm tightly and Alea took a step towards them to stop a fight if things would get escalated but Atera raised a hand to stop her. "If Arthur would, I quote, 'betray' you."

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