Chapter 26: Nothing to Do but Think

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(Y/N)'s POV

I ended up staying the night with Ann. Thanks to us going to bed so early we actually woke up with more than enough time before school. We both took a shower... separately, then went to a quiet little 24 hour café to get breakfast. I had been in class for a few hours now and had barely absorbed any of the information; my mind was too busy deciding what to do about Naoto. 

I still haven't even told the others.

Which may have been the biggest mistake of all. 

I don't know why but something in my gut was telling me I should wait, or maybe I'm just overthinking it and I should let them know. If I don't who knows how long it'll be until Ryuji says something that outs the whole group. Through all the clouded thoughts my eyes were drawn to one person, Makoto, the brunette beauty sat just a few feet away. If I could talk to anyone outside of the group it was her. 

-Phantom Thieves Chat- 

(Y/N): Hey guys I'm gonna meet up with a classmate at lunch today so don't wait up for me

Ryuji: Is it that same girl you met with before? 

(Y/N): Yeah, why? 

Ryuji: When are you gonna invite her to sit with us? 

(Y/N): I have but she's anxious about meeting new people right now. I'll convince her soon. 

Ann: Is it because our upperclassmen look down on us, senpai

(Y/N): What the fuck? 

Ann: What? 

(Y/N): Since when do you call me that? 

Ann: Since I felt like it senpai

Ryuji: I like it! What's up senpai!

Ann: Eww don't do that.

Ryuji: Come on man! How come you get to say it but I don't? 

Ann: Because (Y/N)'s my boyfriend

Ryuji: What does that have to do with calling him senpai? 

Ann is typing

Ryuji: Never mind don't answer that

(Y/N): All of you should be focusing in class.

Ren: Agreed

(Y/N): That includes you!

Ren: I already know everything

(Y/N): Y'know what I believe you

I slid my phone back into my pocket and slogged my way through the rest of class. As soon as I heard the bell dismiss us for lunch I grabbed my bag and made my way over to Makoto, who was still packing up. I must've caught her off guard since she seemed a little startled when she turned and saw me.

(Y/N): "Hey Makoto can I talk to you in private?" 

Makoto: "Umm... sure? Is the student council room okay?" 

(Y/N): "Fine by me." 

She finished packing her things and gestured for me to follow her. Before we even stepped out of the room students were already looking at us. Judgmental people isn't anything new to me, people did it all the time back home, but people doing it so openly is. 

A weird feeling of protectiveness filled my subconsciousness and before I even realized I was standing right beside Makoto. A pink blush on her cheeks as she gripped her bag and tried to maintain her professional composure. 

The Joker and the Thief (Male Reader x Persona Harem)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن