Chapter 1: A Fresh Start

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(Y/N)'s POV

Well this is a big fucking mess isn't it! What a great idea (Y/N), the purse just sitting out in the open definitely wasn't a goddamn bait bag! Now I'm sitting here on a plane to Japan with a fucked up arm!

Sweet Stewardess: "Would you like any drinks sir?" 

The woman's voice knocked me from my trance of self-hatred. 

(Y/N): "I-I'm okay, thank you." 

I said in the best Japanese I could muster, based on her reaction it wasn't that bad. She could probably still hear my American accent though. 

I need to calm down, I won't gain anything by beating myself up over things I can't change. Maybe this is for the best, I'll get a roof over my head, won't have to worry about finding meals...

... I'll get a fresh start

<- 4 Hour Time Skip ->

My mind was blank, time flew by like a passing plane, It felt like my legs were moving on autopilot as my mind was busy with other things.

Get off the plane

Get on the subway

Get of the Ginza line and take the next train to Yongen-Jaya 

It was like I hadn't even registered I was stepping off the subway to my new home, let alone that I was on an entirely new continent. 

Walking up the stairs of the subway I prepared myself mentally, expecting to see a bustling city and having to fight my way through crowds of people, but to my surprise there it was. A rather quiet back-alley street, with just a few people walking or standing around talking. 

It was like an oasis in the otherwise constantly moving city, the tall buildings the alley was surrounded by drowned out the noises of cars and trains. 

(Y/N): "Fucking nice." 

I said to myself, only to notice a Japanese woman walk by with her young child. Instinctively I went to apologize for my language in front of a child, but then I remembered they don't speak English. 

Cute Child: "Fucking Nice!" 

Aaaand the kid heard me, and he's gonna do the thing that kid's do where he just repeats shit he hears. I was going to tell the woman what it meant so she could tell her child to stop, but that'll be a problem that they can handle. 

I walked around for a while, taking in the sights and trying to find my way around. So far I've found a bathhouse, a laundromat, a small shop, a grocery store, and a comfy looking café. I wish I was staying at a café, I would probably get some free food if I live there.  

I found the place I was staying around the corner, tucked into the side of a dead end street. I read the sign aloud to myself, while looking at the piece of paper with the person's name on it. 

(Y/N): "Tae Takemi's medical clinic." 

I nodded to myself, this is definitely the place. Unless there's a woman with the exact same name who also runs a medical clinic on this street. 

I pushed the door to the clinic open, the immediate hospital like smell hit my nose.

Hot Goth: "Hello, can I help you?" 

I awkwardly fumbled with my bags as I hadn't noticed the woman sitting behind the reception desk. 

(Y/N): "Yes I'm here to meet with Tae Takemi." 

The Joker and the Thief (Male Reader x Persona Harem)Where stories live. Discover now