Chapter 11: Just a moment

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(Y/N)'s POV 

She gave me a playful punch in the arm but I couldn't help but notice how good her form was. She's in pretty good shape so it would make sense if she did some kind of martial arts training in her free time. 

Makoto: "So I can count on you to help me with studying." 

Her voice was laced with sarcasm as she knew there was no way I'd be able to help her with ANYTHING she was having trouble with.

(Y/N): "If you want to fail then sure." 

She giggled and we said our goodbyes, heading to our separate classes. 

As I sat in class I felt my phone buzz and sure enough it was more messages in the group chat, from Ren and Ryuji specifically. 

Ren: How'd it go? 

Ryuji: Did you get her number? 

(Y/N): I already had her number 

Ryuji: You already had her number!? How were you able to get a girlfriend before me!? 

(Y/N): She's not my girlfriend! 

Ren: Of course not, you just have her number and are spending time alone with her. 

(Y/N): I know what it looks like but we're really not dating.

Ann: Do you like her? 

I was caught off guard by Ann's sudden appearance in the group chat. She's been silent all day but decides to announce her arrival with that fuckin' haymaker of a question. And to be completely honest...

I wasn't sure how to answer. 

(Y/N): I mean she's cool but I'm not sure I'd call it a crush. 

I'd absolutely call it a crush.

Ann: Then does she like you? 

I thought back to the way our conversation ended not too long ago. To the way she spoke and stuttered when I asked her if it was just as a friend. There was only one answer. 

(Y/N): Yeah, I think she does. 

An uncontrolled smile formed on my face as I typed that sentence. 

Ryuji: Hey man you gotta make a move! 

Ren: Don't listen to Ryuji (Y/N), he hasn't had a girlfriend since the third grade, take things at your own speed. 

Ren: But it wouldn't hurt if that speed is quick. 

Ryuji: Why're you making fun of me for not having a gf you don't have one either! 

Ren: That's by choice. 

Ryuji: Bullshit.

(Y/N): Fellas. Fellas. No need to argue, it's very clear I'm the only one who pulls around here. 

Ryuji: Listen here you littl-

I closed the chat, chuckling to myself imagining the absolute shithole I've just plunged it into. Yet even with the chat closed it wasn't entirely off my mind. I know I'm probably just overthinking this but was Ann upset? 

It's hard to tell through text but she only showed up to ask two questions, didn't stay around and make fun of the guys or anything. We did share a moment back at the café, but I thought that might've just been a sign of trust and friendship. What the fuck am I saying!? We literally held hands! That's not something friends normally do!

Is it? 


Just focus on class I'll talk to Ren about it after school. 

The Joker and the Thief (Male Reader x Persona Harem)Where stories live. Discover now