Chapter 19: A Different Type of Relationship

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(Y/N)'s POV

Ann stood just a few feet ahead of me, previously camouflaged by the crowd. She wasn't in her uniform, instead wearing the clothes they must've asked her to model in. She wore blue jeans, a mid length overcoat tan, and those wide heels you see women wear in offices. 

All in all she looked so damn good!

But also...


(Y/N): "Hey babe! What're you doing here?" 

I said while taking my pulling my arm away from Tae. If I had just been walking this wouldn't be so bad but now I gotta explain why I have this woman wrapped under my arm. 

Ann: "That modelling gig went on waaaay longer than it was supposed to, the other girl refused to wear orange in spring, but that's not the point..." 

She gestured to Tae. 

Ann: "Who's she?" 

(Y/N): "Oh her? She's my caretaker, the doctor who owns the clinic I stay in." 

Ann: "Oh, it's nice to meet you." 

She gave a friendly wave and smile until her face switched to a more inquisitive look. 

Ann: "Why was she wrapped under your arm?" 

Fuck! I thought I was good to go for a second! 

C'mon (Y/N) you were a fucking thief! Have some ability to improvise!

But despite my years of talking myself out of police encounters or shoplifting accusations my mind went blank. Lying in the face of someone you didn't know was much different than looking into the eyes of the girl you love and coming up with a bold faced deception. My palms got sweaty as it felt like minutes of silence had gone past. 

Tae: "I'm so *hic* sorry." 

She added a little bit of a slur to her words and faked a hiccup. I looked over at Tae as she leaned against me again, this time doing so in a more lazy unbalanced way. If I didn't know she was a doctor I'd think she was a criminal with how fast she improvised this. 

Tae: "We wennn't out to eat *hic* and I had a liiiiiiiittle too *hic* much to drink." 

This seemed to satisfy Ann's suspicion, no doubt thanks to Tae's surprisingly good acting, and the look of distrust on her face eased up. The realization that she had every reason to be suspicious stung my heart but I kept a straight face for the moment. 

Ann: "Sorry then. I don't wanna keep you here for too long, I'm sure you wanna get home." 

I really might get outta this one.

Ann: "Well it was nice to meet you and thank you for taking care of him." 

She adjusted her bag and gave me a quick kiss. 

Ann: "I'll talk to you later."

(Y/N): "Call me when you get home, be safe."

As she turned to walk away I felt my body relax as we were in the clear. I gotta remember to thank Tae for getting me out of that one. I went to walk away but was stopped as Tae pulled me back. 

Tae: "Wait! (Y/N) wanted to talk to you about something." 

(Y/N): "What the fuck are you doing?" 

I whispered. 

Tae: "You're not getting out of this." 

(Y/N): "Don't you fucki-"

Ann turned around and walked back over.

The Joker and the Thief (Male Reader x Persona Harem)Where stories live. Discover now