Chapter 25: I Dream of Sunlight

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(Y/N)'s POV 

I can't pretend like I fully understand the severity of what that means; of course I understood that the phantom thieves being investigated is bad, but is THAT bad. Would the police really put in so much effort into avenging the death of a pedo? Those are the thoughts that raced around my head as Ann talked to the others. 

Ryuji: "It's all Mona's fault. You promised us that Kamoshida would've been fine after a few weeks." 

Morgana: "I never said that! I said I DON'T KNOW what could happen! No one's done this before." 

Ren: "Stop arguing. None of us thought this would happen but all of us knew the risks. We chose to do this and now we have to live with the consequences." 

The others managed to calm down just enough to not be at each others throats. Ren seemed extremely stressed by the whole thing. Being the leader of this group would be stressful as shit. I wouldn't wanna deal with all this. 

Ann: "I really don't see that prick dying as a bad thing. Good fucking riddance." 

I got caught off guard by the statement from the, normally very sweet, woman next to me. Not so much the statement itself, but the way she said it. Cold and vengeful. I guess I would be pretty ruthless towards somebody if they nearly made my friend off themselves so I can't say that I blame her. 

Ryuji: "Exactly! Why aren't we celebrating?" 

Ren: "Because it puts a lot of eyes on us. We had students looking into us. We had teachers worried about us. But now we may have some very real, very experienced, detectives trying to find out who we are." 

(Y/N): "Should we even continue the Madarame plan then?" 

Ren: "I don't know... I don't know." 

Ryuji: "If another person gets... y'know, hurt, then it may bring even more attention to us." 

Morgana: "Ren and I can spend some time trying to find out if we did anything wrong. Until then it's best that we take things slow." 

(Y/N): "Also if anyone needs to discuss anything related to the Phantom Thieves do it in person or in a call like this. Words can be denied but if any evidence is found in writing then we're fucked." 

Everyone nodded and hummed in agreement. After which they ended the call. I thought about putting the movie back on but looking over at Ann I could see she was still riled up. 

(Y/N): "What's on your mind?" 

Ann: "I just- ugh!" 

She groaned, pushing herself up out of the bed and starting to anger pace around. 

Ann: "I don't get it! Why should I feel bad for that bastard!? All the pain he puts everyone through and now I'm supposed to feel bad that the rotten piece of shit finally drops dead!" 

I sat up but didn't interrupt her. She needed to get this out of her system. 

Ann: "Do you know what he put Shiho through!? What he put me through!? So why... why do I feel so upset about this?" 

Her furious demeanor chipped away as she ranted until the true interior of the poor traumatized girl was revealed. Her voice broke as she stopped pacing and instead meekly looked at me for approval. All of her feelings were valid and I needed her to know that. 

I walked over to her and pulled her into a tight hug. Letting her rest her head on my chest as I spoke. 

(Y/N): "It's fine to be upset over hearing news like that, even for someone you hated. But you did the right thing. Anything that happened is a consequence of his own actions, his own choices, not yours. You saved generations making the choice act." 

The Joker and the Thief (Male Reader x Persona Harem)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat