Chapter 21: Outside of the Law

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(Y/N)'s POV

Ann: "I don't get why you're getting so defensive over this?" 

(Y/N): "Because I'm not going there to hook up with this girl, if I was I would tell you." 

I held my phone up to my ear as I put another spoonful of oatmeal into my mouth. The discussion from last night had started again as I called Ann in the morning, this time with a guest as Tae sat across the room typing away. I imagine this conversation must sound extremely strange to her since she could only hear what I was saying and had to guess what the other side of the conversation could possibly be. 

Ann: "Well... what if I wanted you to?" 

I choked on my oatmeal as the question seemed so far out of left field that it temporarily short circuited every neuron in my brain. Tae turned to me with a concerned look as I pushed my way through the coughing fit, before regaining my composure and giving a thumbs up after a few seconds. 

(Y/N): "Well... shit... I guess I could hit on her if you want." 

Ann: "Ha! I knew it!?" 

(Y/N): "Knew what!?" 

Ann: "That you wanna hit on her!"

(Y/N): "I don- Y'know what. Fuck it. Yeah, I wanna hit on her." 

Ann: "See. Wasn't that easy?~" 

I could imagine the little sly grin on her face by the tone of her voice. Had this been anyone else I would've been extremely annoyed, maybe even a little mad, but with Ann I couldn't bring myself to be upset. All I could do was laugh as I finished up the last of my late breakfast. 

(Y/N): "I swear you're gonna be the death of me one day." 

Ann: "I could only hope to be so lucky~" 

We both shared a laugh before she spoke up again.

Ann: "Alright I should probably head out now. I wanna try to get on the train before the noon rush." 

What was she talking about? The reasoning was sound but it was nowhere near noon.

I looked over at the clock and felt my heart drop. 

(Y/N): "Ah fuck! It's already 11:30!?" 

Ann: "How did you NOT know that?" 

(Y/N): "Because I'm using my phone to talk to you."

Ann: "Do you have no sense of time?"

(Y/N): "No! My sleeping schedule is horrible! My internal clock is just a Rube Goldberg machine that occasionally reminds me to got to bed!"

I could hear her laugh coming from the phone, even after I moved it away from my head, as I frantically started getting ready to go out. I grabbed my wallet, which Tae had kindly donated some money to, and threw on a jacket before putting on my shoes. 

Ann: "I'm gonna go before I hit the noon rush like you're going to." 

(Y/N): "Alright, stay safe babe. Love you."

Ann: "Love you too." 

I ended the call and put my phone away, grabbing the last of my things before making my way to the clinic door. 

Tae: "Where are you going?" 

I turned towards her, just a few steps from the door. In all the chaos of the mental torment Ann was putting me through I had forgotten to mention exactly where I was going. 

(Y/N): "Gonna go meet up with a girl, just for some food and a chat at a student café." 

Tae: "You're girlfriend?" 

The Joker and the Thief (Male Reader x Persona Harem)Where stories live. Discover now