"Why is this ring so hard and thick?
How are you even doing works with this thing worn in your finger?"
Radha asked with a slight pout as she is carefully checking out the ring.

Madhav chuckled hearing her silly question.

"That's not a big matter"
He answered looking at her with smile worn on lips.

Radha tried to remove the ring from his finger,but failed as it is tight and her strength is not enough to do it.

A pout appeared on her mouth as she again tried.

Again getting the failure,she looked at Madhav who is already staring at her, and said
"Remove this"

Smile bloomed wider against his lips as he removed the ring from his finger and placed it on her palm.

Radha's mouth formed a wide grin and took it in full excitement.

She giggled looking at it and worn it on her index finger.

She showed Madhav her finger in which the ring go down and up as she moves her hand,easily.

Madhav chuckled and grabbed her palm before intertwining their fingers, giving a stop to Radha's every childish act.

Madhav noticed the black bindi placed between her dek brows and two dots drawn beneath the tail of her both eyebrows.

Her eyes are decorated with dark black koyl which affectionately draw out her eyes' beauty.

The golden nosering is connected to her big silver jhumka,her dark red lips are formed on a pout while gaze is on their hands.

There is a little big but weightless necklace wrapped around her slender neck.
And a thin chain with bells is also adorning her body from neck to collarbone.

She is wearing a white lehanga which is plain yet elegant.

She seems a calm and peaceful river to him.

Her body speaks another type of language which is unresistable and much beautiful.

His eyes never felt bored of this view which awakens the soothing and a concern feelings inside him.

As minutes passed,they sat there enjoying their togetherness and the peaceful atmosphere around them.

"Are you... anyhow related to Vijayashastra?"
Radha's question brought Madhav's attention back and he looked at her with a smile.

But inside,his heart is racing in high speed and nervousness took the lead to consume his mind as he kept quiet not knowing how to answer.

But he have to anwer.
Today or tomorrow he should let her know every truth.

Taking a deep breath,Madhav collected words to start.

It is a big and long story"

Radha slowly turned her head back to look at him ,and nodded then said in a slow voice.

"Im ready to listen"

Madhav closed his eyes for a second, nodding his head.

"It was before my birth.....

Vasughi,the princess of Vijayashastra is the eldest child of the king Shourya.

When Shourya died in a war while Vasughi was 15 and his youngest son 9,his brother Dheer became the ruler of Vijayashastra.

Shourya was a kind and most loved ruler who wanted to see his people always happy unlike his younger brother who was built up in ego and overpride.

Dheera's rule and administration never satisfied the people as they have only love for their first king Shourya.

Nor Dheera tried to win people's love.

The day the cruel man crowned himself as the king,started the sufferings of Vasughi and her younger brother.

They lived a very hard life,and forgot the fact that they're a prince and princess of the kingdom.

After some years,Dheera crowned his son Vijayaveera and he started the rule.

Vijayaveera tried to marry Vasughi forcebly.
But she was very young and he already hd fifteen wives.

They were always lustful and cruel to anyone,they never treated a women with full respect which she deserves.

That's when the proposal of Panchajanya arises.

They came with the proposal to the kingdom,but none of the Vijayashastras agreed to it.

But Panchajanya didn't left with a disappointed heart,cause Vasughi talked to Aananda Dev Singh about her pathetic life and why the king said no.

She also informed she want this marriage to happen,so she is ready even if they have to come and take her without the consent of rulers of Vijayashastra."


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जय राधामाधवम🦚🧡

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