"It's not often in this life I am left speechless... But I have no words." Isaac sat with his jaw on the floor as he glanced between the two, who were in the middle of doing their over-complicated handshake. "I was all for them getting together, in fact I declared myself their biggest supporter. But this? Might be too much to handle. I'm going to be third-wheeling forever."

"Welcome to my world." Scott chuckled, beaming at his friends, happy they had finally confessed their feelings.


When they told Scott, they'd all been to the cinema and Scott could sense something in their air was different, lighter - happier. He lasted all of five minutes before he asked the question.

"So I am the best man right? I mean, now you two are finally together, a marriage is gonna be on the cards right? Like you're not allowed to split up now." He grinned, laughing at the two as they looked at him in shock. They were planning on telling him straight away but he'd just broken up with Allison and they didn't want to rub their happiness in his face. They'd obviously forgotten that this was their best friend and biggest fan.

"Of course. Like that was ever up for debate." Stiles grinned, patting Scott on the back, the two boys sharing a celebratory hug until they looked back at Lottie who had her hands on her hips and a mocking frown on her face.

"Um, that is up for debate. What if I want Scotty as MY best man? I mean have you ever considered that?" Lottie asked as Stiles scoffed at her.

"Not a chance. He's my brother. My best man." Stiles replied, wrapping his arms around Scott tighter as Lottie approached. "MINE."

"But I want Scotty." Lottie pouted. She flashed her best puppy dog eyes at the boy who laughed.

"Lotts as beautiful as those baby blues are... They aren't gonna work on me." Stiles sassed, making sure to compliment the girl who paid no mind as she grinned mischievously. Her eyes slowly changed from their puppy-like state to her siren eyes. "SCOTT!" Stiles shouted as he jumped up into Scott's arms as he laughed. "SHE'S USING HER SIREN POWERS!" Stiles squeezed his eyes shut as Lottie and Scott laughed at his expense.

Lottie silently walked up to her boys and went up on her tiptoes, leaning to Stiles' ear. "Stiles," She whispered, her voice carrying along the breeze like a calm water stream, "I don't need to use my powers to get my way with you." She grinned as he opened his eyes.

"Fuck my life. You're right." Stiles mumbled from his place in Scott's arms. "Scott, I think you should put me down. It feels wrong to have the thoughts I am having whilst being in your arms." As Stiles told the young werewolf, he assumed he'd be put down gently. He assumed wrong. Scott dropped the boy as quickly as anything and pulled a grossed out face.

"Stiles. I never needed information like that before. And now you're dating Lotts - who is basically a sister to me - I really don't need to know." Scott stuck out his tongue at Lottie who was helping Stiles up off the floor, laughing at his expense. "But seriously. I am so beyond happy, my two best friends are in love and even better they are in love with each other. Like whilst you two were grabbing drinks earlier, I ordered a new t-shirt. Wanna know what it says?" Scott asked, pulling out his phone and scrolling. When he received a nod, he turned his phone to his best friends with a goofy grin on his face as they looked at him in shock. "'Official Proud Third Wheel!' And look at what it says on the back! 'Number one STOTTIE fan!'"  Scott was grinning so hard his face was starting to hurt as Lottie and Stiles looked at each other.

"WE LOVE IT!" They shouted in sync, wrapping Scott up in a group hug.


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