◇|Chapter fourteen|◇

443 15 43

Finney's pov


I sighed as I brushed through my hair as best as I could.

I agreed to a hangout with the guys today since I didn't have a shift till 5 pm.

At first, it sounded like a date, and for some reason, I got really excited. But then again, I don't think I would want it to be a date. I don't know if I would want them to try and advance with me yet.

I groaned as I put on a hoodie that matched with my baggy jeans.

I chose a simple sage green hoodie go match with my sage green high-top converse.

I looked at myself in the mirror and shrugged. "Good enough." I mumbled and sprayed some of my strawberry perfume on me.

I sighed and left my bedroom. Gwen was waiting outside my door, bouncing up and down in excitement.

"Where ya going?!" She grinned.

I raised an eyebrow before speaking slowly. "I'm hanging out with the other guys..?"

Gwen squealed. "Okayyyyy!!!!! Have fun!!!!!!!" She jumped on me and gave me a quick hug before ushering me out the door.

'Wtf?' I thought to myself as I hopped into my car.


I drove to the address that they sent me. It was a flower field, and it had a white screen along with a projector.

I saw the five boys sitting in the tailgate of a truck, and I assumed it was Vances' truck because...Vance.

I turned off my car and walked up to them.

"Hi!" I smiled at them, and they all waved back.

"We're gonna watch Smile." Vance stated calmly.

Griffin groaned. "But it's scaryyyyy..."

Billy chuckled. "You're just a scared cat."

Robin and Vance nodded in agreement.

Bruce sighed. "I wanted a romance movie."

Robin rolled his eyes. "You always want a corny romance movie."

Bruce nodded. "Because they're good."

I chuckled. "Why not watch a horror and romance?"

Griffin made an O shape with his mouth. "That's smart."

Vance rolled his eyes. "Everything is smart for you."

Griffin huffed and crossed his arms.

"Hey Billy, where are the snacks?"

Billy stayed silent.

"Billy... Where. Are. The. Snacks."

"Uh...well." Billy fiddled with his fingers.

Vance let out an annoyed groan. "Are you kidding? Everyone got what was needed."

Billy sighed. "Sorryyyyy..."

Bruce decided to help. "Cmon. We can go to the nearby gas station and get snacks. Robin, you can wait here with Finn."

Griffin huffed. "Why can't I stay?"

Bruce rolled his eyes. "You know damn well why."

Griffin nodded, and everyone hopped into Bruce's car and drove off, which left me and Robin alone.

Robin hopped onto the tailgate and opened it before signaling for me to sit down.

I complied and sat next to him.

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