◇|Chapter thirteen|◇

426 11 63

Billy's pov


My heart shattered at hearing what my crush- err...soulmate went through as a kid. No one should have to go through that, especially a child.

I felt happy, though, that he felt safe and comfortable enough to tell me about it.

Now I understand why Finney doesn't want us to know he's our soulmate. Trauma does that to a person.

I sighed and dragged my hand over my face. I was at home already and decided to tell the guys about Finney. Not the abuse, just about why he doesn't want soulmates.



Luvs2ndPeriod: Naur, I feel so bad :(

NegativeRizz: Why?

TheRizzler: What happened?

Luvs2ndPeriod: It's about Finney

Borderhopper: What happened

AngerIssues: What'd u do.

Luvs2ndPeriod: Jesus, do u all have a vendetta against me? :/

NegativeRizz: Yes.

Luvs2ndPeriod: ANYWAYS Finney told me he doesn't want to find his soulmates bcuz of his parents ☹️

NegativeRizz: MY HONEY (╥﹏╥)

Borderhopper: What happened with his parents?

Luvs2ndPeriod: They were soulmates and didn't have the best relationship u could say

TheRizzler: U could say?

Luvs2ndPeriod: Yes, I could say, I ain't gonna tell u what happened, that's for Finney to tell u 🙅‍♂️

TheRizzler: Fair enough

AngerIssues: Soooo we just have to make him understand that he's not them?

NegativeRizz: Yup yup yup :3

TheRizzler: Indeed

Luvs2ndPeriod: Mhm

Borderhopper: Yeah

AngerIssues: Alright. But how? He's not gonna magically wake up one day and decide being a slut is better.

NegativeRizz: We show him appreciation and that we'll literally let him step on us and we'll give him the best princess treatment ever

Borderhopper: 😟 idk abt the stepping on us part.

Luvs2ndPeriod: I mean...

TheRizzler: No.

Luvs2ndPeriod: ☹️

TheRizzler: Anyways. How abt we plan a hangout (date) with him! 😇

Luvs2ndPeriod: Ooooooooh yes! But what?

TheRizzler: Uhhhh, the movies????

Borderhopper: Yk I can't stay still that long 😕

TheRizzler: Trueeeee

AngerIssues: What abt a game night?

Luvs2ndPeriod: I always break the board in half 🙅‍♂️

AngerIssues: Maybe we should change ur name to anger issues

Luvs2ndPeriod: Nuh uh

NegativeRizz: Hm, what about a sleepover! 😇

TheRizzler: Which house, tho?

AngerIssues: Not mine

NegativeRizz: Not mine

Luvs2ndPeriod: Not mine

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