◇|Chapter ten|◇

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I just realized I never said this, but '_____' means thinking, I'm pretty sure you guys caught on to that, but just in case

Finney's pov


"FINNEY!" I heard Gwen shout across the house as soon as she opened the door.

'Oh boy...' I inwardly sighed and smiled as bright as I could when she rounded the corner.

"Finney. Mason. Blake."

My heart started racing, and I gulped.

"Heyyyy, my dearest, loveliest, prettiest, smartest little sister...!" I made a heart with my hands, which ticked her off more.

She rushed to me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "You asshole! You scared the absolute shit out of me, Finn!" She mumbled against my shoulder.

I sighed and rubbed soothing circles on her back. "Sorry..."

I heard her sniffle and hiccup.

I grumbled. "Please, not the waterworks..."

"Too late..." She muttered as I felt my shoulder get drenched in her tears.

I smiled to myself as I stroked my hands through her hair.

"... You just got drunk... right? You didn't... you know..."

I hesitated before nodding. "Yeah... I promise."

'Sorry Gwen...' I thought to myself as I kissed her forehead.

"Come on, cheer up!" I said while Gwen pulled away from the hug.

I wiped her tears and smiled. "Did you get the babysitting job at the daycare center you applied for?"

Her eyes brightened. "Yeah! I did. It pays well, too." She smiled at me, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me. 'Thank god she changed the topic.'

"That's good! When's your first day?" I tilted my head slightly.

"Today actually..." She checked her watch, and her eyes flew open. "And I'm gonna be late if I don't change right now!"

I laughed as she sped to her room.

Minutes later, she came out in Jean overalls with a pink and blue striped shirt with some Converse.

I gave her a hug and ruffled her hair a bit. "Good luck at work."

She smiled. "Thanks. Love you."

"Love you too, Gwenny." I smiled at her as she walked out the door.

'She's so grown.' I sniffled and put a hand over my chest.


Gwen's pov

I sighed as I walked down the sidewalk. 'I hope you aren't lying Finney...'

I opened the door to the babysitting center and was greeted with cries.

'Oh great.'

"Hello! Welcome to Mama's daycare." I heard a lady say. 'She seems to be in her early 50s...'

"Uh...I'm the new employee." I mumbled, but somehow she heard me.

"Oh! You're Gwen. Dearie me, you're just as pretty as the picture. Follow me, and I'll assign you a guide." She gave me a warm smile.

"Thanks." I followed her to the back of the building.

"Robin, the new employee is here!" She called out.

'Robin...? That sounds familiar.'

"Alright, Mrs. Rodriguez!" I heard a voice shout.

'Definitely familiar...'

♤☆|Love can burn like a cigarette|☆♤Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant