◇|Chapter one|◇

771 23 76

Finney's pov





I groaned and tossed to my side, turning off my irritating alarm.

I grumbled at the sunlight and sat up, yawning.

I stretched and pried myself away from my comfy bed.

I lazily walked to my closet and chose some cargo pants along with a hoodie.

I looked in the mirror, slightly annoyed. "Good enough." I shrugged and walked to the bathroom.

I couldn't help but check over my shoulder, even if my father didn't live with me anymore.

I groaned at my annoying habit.

I had won custody over my sister when I turned eighteen and got us an apartment since I saved up money. That was four months ago, but I couldn't shake my old habits.

I grumbled and shook the thoughts out of my head.

I opened the bathroom door and slammed it closed.

I rubbed my eyes and picked up my hairbrush. I ran it through my hair and groaned at the occasional knot.

After my morning routine, I ran downstairs to see Gwen cooking breakfast.

"Morning gremlin." I mumbled and walked over to her, ruffling her hair and kissing her forehead.

"Morning jerkface." She muttered back and fixed her hair.

I yawned and got my bookbag situated for the day.

Gwen placed down a plate in front of me and her. "Ready for college?" She grinned.

"No." I grunted. She just giggled. "Maybe you can find at least one of your soulmates today~" She winked, then shrugged. "Or maybe all five of them, you little slut." She chuckled at the end of her sentence.

I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my food. "I have no intention of finding my soulmates. I don't want a relationship."

She moaned in annoyance. "Finney... you need more to life than working, studying, and taking care of me. I'm sixteen! I can handle myself. I can get a job and help with the bills!" She fussed.

"Gwen. You are a child. Live your childhood. I agreed to be your guardian, which means taking care of you." She huffed and fell back in her chair.

"No fair..." She murmured.

"Life's not fair." I ruffled her hair once more and put my now empty plate it the sink.

"Come on, you're gonna be late for school." I tossed my bookbag over my shoulder and slipped on my converse. I signaled for Gwen to tag along.

She sighed and nodded, grabbing her bookbag and following behind me.

We walked to my car in the parking lot, and I unlocked it.

"Time to go to hell." She muttered and hopped into the passenger seat.

I chuckled and sat in the driver's seat.

'Today's gonna be a long day...' I thought and turned on the car.


I pulled up to my college. I had already dropped off Gwen, and now I had to go to school.

I sighed while turning off my car and got out.

I entered the noisy building. Chatter filled the air, and I couldn't help but grumble at everyone's smiling faces.

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