"The governor was here?" Alex asked and Kayce nodded. "Is she and John together again?"

"I don't get involved in that," Kayce laughed. "But how do you know about that?"

"She came around a little too many times for it to just be business," Alex shrugged, walking over to the door.

"What do you think?" Kayce asked her.

"About what?" Alex looked back at him.

"Me becoming Livestock Commissioner," Kayce's eyes were alert.

"I don't know, Kayce," Alex shook her head. "You hungry?"

"Yeah," Kayce followed her downstairs and into the kitchen.

They were able to pull out some mashed potatoes and greens from earlier, along with two steaks Kayce threw on the stovetop grill. Alex heated the rest up while they sort of danced around each other in the kitchen. While Alex was plating their meal, she heard a pop sound and looked over her shoulder.

Kayce was pouring two glasses of red wine for them. His eyes were calm-looking, but Alex could sense the thoughts of uncertainty inside his mind. She turned around and crossed her arms.

"You can do it," Alex said softly.

"Do what?" Kayce asked her, putting the cork back in the bottle.

"Livestock Commissioner," Alex gave him a small smile. "You would be good at it."

Kayce gave her an odd look. Alex grabbed both plates and walked into the living room, Kayce following closely behind with their wine glasses. They sat down on the floor, their backs to the fire, and tucked into their supper.

"Why do you say I'd be good at it?" Kayce asked softly.

Alex thought for a moment.

"Because, despite our issues,  you're a good man, Kayce," Alex nodded. "Sometimes it's your own undoing...but loyalty is something you hold in high regard and I think that's a characteristic a position like that needs."

"It's something that's mine," Kayce chewed his bite. "Haven't really had something be just mine."

"Careful what you wish for," Alex tried the potatoes.

"What was the accident you helped today?" Kayce asked her.

"Some drunk hit a family," Alex sighed. "Everyone made it though."

"Must be hard," Kayce looked at her.

"I think it just comes with the territory," Alex paused her eating. "No one is ever gonna come to me with good news...they're always gonna need help, need fixing."

"Well..." Kayce sighed. "You're perfect for that job."

"I don't know about that," Alex shrugged.

"You are," Kayce nodded.

A few more minutes passed.

"Is there any news on the Beck brothers?" Alex asked, taking a sip of her wine.

"Not really," Kayce sighed. "Still looking for their plane...they shut down Paradise Valley though."

"Guess they don't care who their enemy is?" Alex frowned.

She had heard of the developer who wanted to build an airport on the very spot where she was sitting. While she knew some things had to change, Alex wasn't about to let tarmacs and engine fuel pour over the only place she called home.

"We don't know their limits yet," Kayce set his empty plate aside and looked down at Alex's. "You still don't eat like you should."

"I eat, Kayce," Alex rolled her eyes and stabbed a green bean with her fork.

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