Prologue | The Before and The After

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October 5th, 2028

Something's going on, Father keeps getting calls from someone important, I know this because he cut training short today. Erebus knows something is going on too. Madison and Cindy can deny it all they want, after all, why would I trust their word? They work for my Father, and he's about as trustworthy as a poison dart frog.

Mother won't answer my questions either, and although she married him, she's never lied or kept things from me, not without a reason anyhow. I intend to find out what's going on, and chances are, Father's computer will tell me everything I want to know.

Signing off, Nyx Nightingale

October 6th, 2028

It's worse than I thought, some research project went wrong and escaped containment. Apparently Father's been branching out in his business and helped fund it. To the west these creatures, actual zombies, have appeared. From what they can tell, these creatures are slow, barely hobbling, but that doesn't mean anything when the slightest noise draws them like moths to a flame.

I've told Erebus, he's packing a bag now, and we've stashed away extra arrows, we plan to leave as soon as possible. Mother and Father have been arguing from their room, they were arguing about Marie again. Marie still hasn't answered any calls or texts not since about a month ago and she's on a different continent. Father thinks it's zombies and Mother won't hear a word of it, and they keep arguing whether or not they should tell us.

Signing off, Nyx Nightingale   

October 8th, 2028

It spread too fast, there's two "generations'" as they're calling them, the first, which have been dubbed Slugfeet, by those that survived the first wave, along with the second, called Walkers for their inability to run nor move at anything other than a slow-paced walk. They've been getting close to the house, but Father refuses to move out, says he'll "go down with his house" or something heroically stupid like that. Mother refuses to leave without him and says that we need to stay too, despite both Madison and Cindy's families clearing out. And according to both Madison and Cindy's families, they don't have any room for two more people. I'm guessing it's more of a "we-don't-want-to-piss-off-you're-parents-thing", rather than a spatial problem. Whatever, me and Erin are clearing out soon anyways.

Signing off, Nyx Nightingale 

October 11th, 2028

We left, we finally left. Mother and Father were asleep and we floored it, we took our bikes and took with us a single bag each, with another pair of clothes, a jacket each along with some knives for myself. We packed a bunch of canned food, some granola bars and other longer-lasting foods. We've both got three canteens (courtesy of raiding Father's survival bunker), along with a map and our own compasses. We've been doing well so far, but we've decided not to use our names anymore. I don't plan to write more, nor do I believe I'll have time, so this'll be the last time I write, for a while at least.

Signing off, Owl

- - -

Owl wasn't expecting to meet anyone, as far as she knew no one was left on this side of the country other than herself and her brother, now going by Falcon. In front of them were two teens and a young child, the oldest (and tallest), looked about fifteen and had cinnamon skin, a hatchet was attached to his belt and he had been brushing his ginger-red hair when she and Falcon stumbled upon them. The second oldest looked like a fourteen-year-old pale girl with blonde almost white hair and washed-out green tips, she held herself much like a noble lady, and pushed behind her was a smaller brunette who looked barely ten with bright emerald eyes not yet corrupted by what the world has become.

Temporary Hiatus! | Wings | Fleeting Feathers Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ