|| Chapter One ||

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(Y/N) inhaled a sharp breath as her eyes flew open

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(Y/N) inhaled a sharp breath as her eyes flew open. She parted her lips in a loud gasp, her chest rising rapidly with shock as her lungs suddenly filled with air. Her muscles tensed. Her brain blew up with a deafening noise. Her nostrils filled with the rancid scent of chemicals. She immediately began to cough. Her throat scraped against itself harshly, like someone had planted a razor blade into the organ and her innards were now cutting itself upon it. She shot out of the bed she lay in. IV drips which were implanted into her skin were ripped out. Blood spurted but (Y/N) took no notice, for she could still feel the blood against her skin.

The blood she had been choking on.

The blood that had drowned her.

She let out a whimpered exhale. She was alone. She instantly identified a hospital room. The room was fairly large with no other patients - she had the room to herself. Only once the drips had been ripped from her flesh did she realise she was hooked to them. There were several, all different coloured liquids which she hoped were helping her. Although, after all the chemicals that had been injected into her bloodstream, she wasn't quite sure. She breathed in deeply, followed by a deep exhale.

The door opened, revealing a nurse, who seemed rather nonchalant as she moved; perhaps not expecting (Y/N) to be awake. Based on her reaction that followed, that seemed to be the case. She closed the door and turned around, only to let out a shocked shriek of surprise at the sight of (Y/N) sitting up. The shriek was followed by a gasp, which was followed by her scrambling clumsily to open the door again and leave the room.

(Y/N) could only blink at the closed door. Her brows were furrowed and her lips were frowned. The action made the muscles in her face ache but she ignored it. She ached all over.

The door opened sharply shortly after. It was thrown open, smacking against the opposing wall. The sound made (Y/N) wince. The nurse rushed back into the room with a trail of nurses and doctors behind her.

"Hello, darling." The original nurse voiced kindly with a pained smile. She pressed a hand against (Y/N)'s forehead and effectively pushed her down back onto the bed.

(Y/N) watched as the doctors began to mend the drips, readying them to put them back in. (Y/N) felt a flush of panic arise in her kind. She shifted away from their grabbing hands, pulling her arms towards her and bringing her legs to her chest. She shook her head rapidly.

The nurse's smile strained evidently. "Sweetie, please." She requested.

(Y/N) shook her head again. She sniffled slightly.

One of the doctors glared at the nurse.

The nurse let out a pained giggle. "(Y/N), I know you're frightened. But this is vital-"

(Y/N) dashed. She shoved herself off the bed with a rough action. She collapsed onto the floor haphazardly, between two doctors who were quick to grab her. (Y/N) thrashed in their grip. She kicked her legs and clawed at them. She managed to escape their loose hold and scrambled towards the door. Her legs felt like jelly but she pushed through the odd feeling. She swayed weirdly as she threw the door open. She emerged into a busy hallway and made no effort to think about what she was doing. She ran down the corridor. She crashed into several patients and several pieces of equipment. She was littering her skin with more bruises and gashes but she couldn't feel them. She couldn't feel anything. She just needed to get away.

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