Stupid Adorable Face

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I was happy in the haze

 of a drunken hour

 but heaven knows I'm miserable now

~The Smiths~


KAZ WAS IN A SOUR MOOD, but I'd now decided that it was not in fact a mood, instead it was just his personality. The night before we left, Inej was kind enough to lend me some clothes. I kept my own corset but put on one of the few skirts she owned,which of course was black, as well as a dark blue, very loose undershirt.

"I didn't hire you simply to get us across the fold," Kaz started as we bumped along the road, "you're with us cause you help smuggle grisha our of the little palace, and that's the location of our target."

"Sun summoner," Inej added quickly. I learned very quickly that Inej was a woman of faith, which I thought was quite respectable, and I also learned that Inej was like really cool, but I guess that's just an opinion.

"Alleged," Kaz frowned.

I shrugged, "I mean they wouldn't keep a fraud in the most secure location in all of Ravka would they?" I once again noticed my Ravkan Accent against their Kerch, but ignored it against the dirty look I got from Kaz.

Inej smiled at me but Kaz just kept talking. 

I zoned out as Kaz and Arken spoke.

We soon arrived at the inn where Nina(as Jesper informed me) would be.

When we got to the room no one was there.

"She knew to expect us," Arken frowned.

"She isn't late, she's gone," Kaz started.

"Pst, what is that?" I whispered to Jesper who seemed to be eating something.

"Pastry, wanna try?" He whispered back, I nodded and we shared the rest.

While we were eating, Arken and Kaz discovered that Nina must have been taken by the Druskelle.

"That explains why the innkeeper was counting ferdan money," I spoke with a bit of food still in my mouth.

Kaz gave me a look, "What?" I then pointed to myself, "Traveling circus, I've seen all kinds of money, thought you would have too, dealing with gambling and all."

"They had a clear line of attack," Inej put in, taking everyone's attention off me.

Kaz nodded, "take a look, make sure there aren't anymore surprises."

Then she was off.

"She's so cool," I watch having finished the last of the pastry. Kaz rolled his eyes at me.

"Well..." Arken sighed, "We've lost our way into the little palace."

I exited with everyone when Inej dropped down from above, "All clear."

My eyes widened.

"This seems like a reasonable junction to abandon this whole sun summoner plan." Arken suggested.

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