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Jungkook and minjae are walking together and minjae is pestering jungkook to ride with him in bumper cars

"Jungkookie hyung please ride with me it'll be fun" Minjae says whining like a baby

"Are you a kid" Jungkook questioned Irritatedly he's getting irritate by the boy next to him who he doesn't even know name

He's trying to eavesdrop what taehyung and Namjoon are talking.. He's already getting jealous by the way Taehyung is laughing with Namjoon and the boy next to him is not helping

"This is not a ride for kid, we can ride it too" Minjae is blabbering.. Jungkook doesn't paying attention to minjae's blabbering as he is more focused on the two person in front of him..

Taehyung and namjoon are trying to know each other.. First there was a awkwardness between them but now they are getting along but the certain someone is not liking it a bit

"Do you have girlfriend/boyfriend" Says taehyung curiously

"Why... Want to hit on me" Both chuckled

"Maybe" Taehyung replied and wink at Namjoon

Oh man if he had look back he can see jungkook's state, his facial expressions is worth seeing..

"Well yess..I'm in a serious relationship with a guy he's your senior from Art's department..too bad taehyung better choose someone else I'm already committed" Both laughed loudly

Jungkook is fuming with anger in the back

Suga and jimin are buying something from the stall when jimin saw Namjoon and taehyung are laughing together "your friend is extremely hot baby" Suga playfully slapped jimin shoulder lightly

"ouch what are you doing"

"Stop your fantasize to set him up with tae he's already in a relationship" Says suga

Jimin eyes land on jungkook and minjae who were bickering about the ride "minjae is looking quite good with jungkook" Jimin blurted out his thoughts

"Stop there..whatever you're thinking is not gonna happen kook has already found someone for himself"

"Who" Curiosity kick in jimin

"Guess" Suga winked at him

"Don't tell me it's Taehyung" jimin spoke very strangely about jungkook, suga didn't like it

"Why..aren't you happy your bestie finally will be in a relationship"

"It's not that I'll not be happy but i don't like that jungkook guy" Suga is Jungkook friend from childhood so it's obvious to feel bad when your boyfriend doesn't like your friend

"He's a nice-" Jimin cutted him off from the mid

"And has anger issues" With a huff jimin says

"Yess he has anger issues..that doesn't mean he'll hurt tae it's my first time seeing jungkook happy with someone and call me selfish or whatever i would definitely want tae to like kook" Suga is quite upset now with jimin


"Let's go I feel tired it's getting dark now" Suga says to everyone.. Jimin looks at suga he knows suga mood is down because of jungkook and taehyung matter

"No.. What's the fun if you come to amusement park and didn't ride the ferris wheel" With that jimin grab suga's hand and drag him to the ferris wheel

Jungkook signal Namjoon who nodded his head and put his arm on minjae shoulder and says "we are single bro.. This ride is only for couples"

Taehyung brows arched at Namjoon remark he was about to say that he's also single jungkook grab his hand and drag him towards the ferris wheel

"Jungkook stop.. What's this behaviour" Taehyung begin to hit jungkook arm and hand

Jungkook and taehyung is now on the ferris wheel taehyung is cursing jungkook on his mind

Jungkook is only looking at taehyung who's looking anywhere but not jungkook

"Why are you ignoring me for the last two weeks" Asked jungkook looking intensely at taehyung

"I wasn't" This is the first time taehyung is looking at jungkook's eyes properly from the past 2 weeks and he regret it the look jungkook is giving him is making him shiver down his spine

He immediately avert his eyes to side..in a short time they will reach the top

Taehyung is tapping his foot to subsides the intense environment between him and jungkook

And for jungkook, his eyes are already fixed on taehyung from the moment they sat on ferris wheel

"Stop looking at me with that eyes" Without facing jungkook taehyung says this

Jungkook grabbed taehyung wrist and yanked him towards himself taehyung stumble on jungkook chest

"Now tell me with what eyes" Jungkook whisper at taehyung's face

Taehyung breath become rigid.. He's trying to get up from jungkook's hold but jungkook is very persistent to know about taehyung's feelings tonight

"Tell me what eyes" They are now in the top jungkook's wants to kiss taehyung but he's also afraid how will taehyung react

His eyes travel from Taehyungs eyes to his nose which has beautiful mole placed on it to the finally sultry lips which he was eager to taste it, he wants to know how that beautiful lips of taehyung's taste

Taehyung is hypnotize by jungkook eyes "I don't know it's-it's feel ticklish whenever you look at me with that eyes"

Jungkook chuckled at taehyung answer "is it"

Taehyung nodded like a innocent kid "does it feels good whenever it happen" Taehyung again nodded like a dumb kid

Jungkook losses his senses at taehyung's innocence he pulls taehyung even more closer that it feels hard to breath and captures those sultry lips

Taehyung close his eyes the feeling he was trying to control has bust out in the very moment

As their lips met a tingling sensation ran through their body jungkook hands gently cup taehyung face to deepened the kiss taehyung unknowingly parted his lips to give jungkook permission to enter, jungkook gladly take the chance and slide his tongue in

Their kiss was full of tenderness and passion.. Jungkook pull taehyung even more closer and lift him and made him sit on the lap

They explored each other mouth with a gentle urgency

Finally they broke the kiss they look into each other's eyes jungkook put his head on taehyung's forehead he's still cupping taehyung's face caressing the cheeks while both breathing hard

Taehyung broke the silence and says "That was my first kiss"

Jungkook shot his eyes open he felt as if someone has shot the arrow in his heart with a great force... Should he be happy that he's taehyung's first kiss or should he punch himself for kissing taehyung without his consent...

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