Chapter 5 - Potions and Adventurers

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Ainz's Office, Tomb of Nazarick
Albedo stood tall with a blush across her face. She couldn't keep her eyes off her love, the man who stole her heart and ruled her world.

Ainz: Albedo?

Albedo noticed Lord Ainz calling her.

Albedo: My apologies, my lord

Ainz waved her off.

Ainz: it's quite alright, but perhaps you should take the rest of the day off if you're so unfocused on your work

Ainz held his chin with his boney fingers.

Ainz: Perhaps I'm working you too hard

Albedo slammed her hands on Ainz's desk which caused some reports that sat atop a pile to fall to the floor.

Albedo: My apologies my lord, but I'm quite alright. I'll make sure to get a good eight hours of sleep tonight like you've been suggesting I do

Albedo leaned down and picked up the papers that had fell to the floor before placing them on Ainz's desk.

Ainz: Very well, but please do get some sleep tonight. Without you this place wouldn't run properly. 'God knows Blaiddyd can't do this sort of work, he'd just end up ripping the reports to shreds in frustration. And I can't manage this place all on my own either. Having Albedo manage the reports that deal with our spy network and military activity has seriously been a huge help. The last thing I want is to work her to death or worse, have her QUIT! That would be terrible'

Albedo couldn't help but blush as she played with her hair.

Albedo: 'Lo-Lord Ainz needs me hehehehe~'

Ainz shivered as he felt something ominous.

As Ainz looked down at the reports Albedo placed on his desk one caught his eye.

Ainz: This is Aura's report

Ainz said more as a statement than a question but Albedo answered nonetheless.

Albedo: Yes lord Ainz. So far we've had no contact from any 'Players' from Yggdrasil. She's begun expanding her surveillance however. So perhaps that will change in the future

Ainz nodded.

Albedo: Currently she is planning to expand her coverage to the woodlands near Nazarick

Ainz: Hopefully she'll have better luck there

Albedo: If they're out there my lord, she'll find them

Albedo pushed another report forward for Ainz to look at.

Albedo: I also have information that Demiurge was able to 'extract' from the man Lord Blaiddyd captured. The man in question is from a nation called the Slane Theocracy. He holds a high rank within the nation's military as he commands a special ops unit

Ainz nodded.

Ainz: Ah yes, I believe Blaiddyd mentioned in his report that this Nigun, was the captain of one such unit. I believe it was the Sunlit...

Ainz held his chin in thought as he tried to recall the name.

Albedo: The Sunlit Scripture, my lord

Ainz: Yes, that!

Albedo blushed before continuing her report.

Albedo: The Slane Theocracy, it's a theocratic nation that views Humans as the supreme race and believes all other races should either be exterminated or enslaved

Ainz: Disgusting

Ainz had almost completely forgotten he was human at one point and whenever he remembered such a fact it scared him to realize just how much he was changing.

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