Chapter 2 - Fealty and a New Title

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Colosseum, Six Floor, Tomb of Nazarick
As Blaiddyd looked down at the the Guardians that kneeled before him and Momonga, he felt pride swell within him. He would protect his pack, no matter what.

Blaiddyd took a good look at them, scrutinizing every aspect of them and he unconsciously activated one of his skills known as Fenrir's Authority, which was similar to Momonga's Aura of Despair as it inflicted fear upon his opponents and since this was the real world now, the skill didn't distinguish between friend and foe, resulting in the skills affecting the Guardians.

On top of Fenrir's Authority, the effect his class Monstrous Wolf had also made it increasingly worse for the Guardians.

Blaiddyd looked towards Shalltear who was immune to his Monstrous Wolf Class effect, but not to his skill, Fenrir's Authority. So when she realized that he was staring at her she began to get nervous.

Blaiddyd: 'Shalltear, a True Vampire. A race equally as powerful as a Werelord. She's the Guardian of the first, second and third floors of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Along with being one of the most powerful Guardians and NPC's we have'

Blaiddyd's eyes soon landed on the elf twins and they were already scared and him staring at them made it worse. Mare literally started to sniffle and Blaiddyd was sure the boy was going to cry.

Blaiddyd: 'The twin elves are Guardians of the sixth floor, well excluding The Morrgian. Perhaps I should of had Marchosias come along for this ceremony of sorts'

Blaiddyd looked towards Coctyus next and the warrior blew cold air out of its, nose? Not sure where it blew it out, but it seemed to be proud and happy to be looked down upon by Blaiddyd.

Blaiddyd: 'Coctyus, the Guardian of the fifth floor. A freezing landscape that would have been a great place for my personal area had it not been a swamp. Hmm, Coctyus was created with the idea of a warrior in mind if I remember Warrior Takemikazuchi saying'

Blaiddyd looked at Demiurge. Truthfully he didn't really trust him completely. Not because he believed the demon would try to harm the Tomb. No, after seeing there display just now he's confident the demon wouldn't. It's the fact that the demon's creator, Ulbert wasn't someone you could easily predict and he had a sneaking suspicion this Demon would be the same.

Demiurge simply grinned. As he suspected, the most powerful Supreme Being would want to analyze his commanders. Make sure they were fit to be in the positions they claimed.

Blaiddyd: 'Demiurge, he's an insanely powerful demon and most likely an unpredictable one at that if we take his creator into account. Demiurge is the guardian of the seventh floor and if I remember correctly becomes the commander of the Tomb's NPC's and defences when the Tomb is invaded'

Blaiddyd finally landed on the leader of the Guardians and the one Momonga had the hots for, Albedo. He definitely understood where Momonga was coming from though, Albedo was insanely hot.

Albedo's throat felt dry. She thought she offended the Supreme Being back when he first showed up in the throne room, but when he simply waved her off she was glad. Even more glad when he gave her an order. Now she felt small and scared. The pressure he was giving off was terrifying and the fact that he was staring at her made it worse.

Blaiddyd: 'Albedo, leader of the Guardians and the one who Momonga probably beats his meat off too. Well I don't really have much to say about her'

Blaiddyd smirked as he now looked at the Guardians collectively. Momonga had also took a second to look the Guardians over and was happy with what he saw.

Blaiddyd/Momonga: Raise your heads!

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