0. Prologue

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0. Prologue

"They say, 'Move on', but you know, I won't"


Dawn was sitting at the Gryffindor table for breakfast like she did every morning she was at Hogwarts. When she wasn't in the midst of fighting a war that is. And like every morning, she wished she wasn't there. Dawn Lupin and Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, had a complicated relationship.

The young woman stabbed at one of the pieces of sausage she had cut into bite size pieces earlier with her fork and brought it to her mouth. Her eyes didn't stray from the textbook that laid at her elbow, squinting at the ancient greek letters. It was to study for the entrance exam into the university in New Rome. Dawn didn't want a job in the Wizarding World. And she was more than happy to spend more time in school elsewhere if it meant she didn't have to pursue one. And it would be fun, going to study in New Rome with her best friends Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. That is if Percy and herself passed the entrance exam.

"Hi Dawn !"

The girl immediately closed her book and smoothly flicked her wand, transfiguring the contents and book to something else. She then turned her head and offered a small smile to the approaching girl. "Hello."

"What are you reading ?" Hermione Granger wondered, sliding into the seat next to her. Dawn unnoticeably bristled at the proximity. She had struggled a bit with people who she didn't trust completely and wholly being that close to her since the second war. Honestly, the only people she was okay being near were her three closest friends and two of her brothers. Five people out of the shitload she knew and loved. That showed just how much the war with Gaia had affected her. Hermione brought her back by chuckling softly. "You and your obsession with Greek Mythology."

Dawn smiled tightly and lifted her shoulders as if to say, 'what can you do ?'. It was better Hermione think that this was just another one of those times where Dawn was indulging. That's what the young witch thought Greek Mythology was to her friend : an indulgence. Something she enjoyed learning about. The only thing that made her open a book outside of schoolwork. Dawn didn't try to correct her.

"What are we talking about ?"

Dawn turned her head to face in front of her. Two boys had taken a seat in front of them. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. They were shovelling eggs and toast and bacon onto their plates, clearly waiting for an answer to Ron's question. Dawn said nothing, only nibbling another piece of her sausage as she pulled her book back to her and slid onto her lap.

"Dawn's obsession with Greek Mythology," Hermione shrugged, leaning forward and stealing a strip of bacon from her boyfriend's plate. She completely ignored his protests as she looked at her female friend thoughtfully. "What's with that anyways ? You never mentioned."

Because you've never bothered to ask me about it before.

"My mum loved it," was Dawn's reply. It wasn't really a lie.

Rosemary Lupin had loved Greek Mythology. The stories, the characters. It wasn't all that surprising that she went and caught feelings for a God despite already being in a relationship. Her engagement didn't last after that. Mostly because trouble in the form of Cassandra Dawn Lupin showed up. Not that Rosemary ever regretted her decision.

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