Turns out, it wasn't even a spider. It was merely a leaf that had fallen from the tree under which we were sitting.

"I can't even ask you if you are blind or not. Why are you not wearing your glasses? " I said in a sarcastic tone.

He ignored my statement and started to make fun of my inhumane behavior which really triggered me. Just a moment later, we heard someone calling us. It was Nisha, we recognized her voice immediately and shouted back to indicate our location.

She entered the veranda and I identified her uneasy feeling.

"Hey... Atharv, would you mind dropping me home? It's 12:30 already and I don't think I'll find any cab or any sort of transport." She said without any eye contact with him.

"Sure. You are my responsibility tonight afterall but...." He looked concerned and worried at the same time.

"I'll sit beside Rachit by the time tou come back. "I assured his safety.
"Will you? I'd be so grateful." Said Nisha and Atharv agreed.

Atharv's POV

We bid Sonya a good bye and left. How kind of her to stay back for Rachit. She's known us for what? Like 2 weeks? But she is so considerate. She helped Rachit, cleaned the mess and brought Nisha back... Nisha? Wait. NISHA! I forgot to apologize. Shit.

I came back to my sensed and looked at Nisha.
"Hey, I... Wanna apologize for my behavior today. I shouldn't have acted out like that. I don't know, I just... Lost my mind. Ughh. " I expressed my concern.

"Oh, don't worry about that I get it and I am soo sorry I think I just overreacted. Btw, you look really lost today, in a good way though. Did something happen? Did I miss something? " She smiled. I just can't believe how naive she is. She never makes a fuss about anything. I just found myself the perfect friends.

"What? " I chuckled. "What are you saying. Nothing happened."

"Are you sure? It seemed like I just ruined your perfect moment when I asked for a ride. " She said in a tone that made me blush.

"It's not like you ruined something. Yeah, I really like Sonya but your safety is much more important." I confirmed.

"Well, good for you. I just sensed it in school the moment you started sitting in the back so that you can get a better view of her. How clever of you. Quite relata-" She stopped in a middle of her sentence as if she just blurred out something she didn't wanna say. I told y'all, she's naive she can't even hold back her feelings or control her emotions.

"Wait, what? You can relate? Which rock am I living under? Does Rachit know? " I interrogated feeling left out. Was I so lost in Sonya that I didn't realize? How can I be so insensitive?

"Nothing. It was just a slip of the tongue. You know how I keep uttering nonsense." She tried to avoid the conversation.

"Uh ah. Tell me if Rachit knows about it or not? "

"NO HE DOESN'T CAUSE HE'S THE ONE. " She blurred out in aggression. "Fuck, I just did it again. Why don't I have any control over my mouth. " She said while trying to hide her face in her hands.

I broke into a laughter and said "what? How can you fall in love with Rachit? He's like the biggest red flag I've ever seen. I mean, yeah, he's my best friend but that's a trait. "

"Shut up. It's the way he talks and he's not a bad guy. He's not toxic at all. Have you seen how respectful he is? " She tried to convince me.

I know that Rachit is a nice guy even though he's a flirt and loves attention from girls, he is someone who is loyal to his words. If he commits to something, he puts all his blood and tears to it. The problem is that I think he's really fallen for Sonya. He really went overboard to earn her presence at his birthday party. I don't want him to hurt Nisha.

"Respectful? Like the time he went on a blind date and started to ghost his date just after one meeting?" I replied.

"Because she started planning their wedding just after one meet. She was a psychopath."

"Oh, yeah, I just forgot that. "

"On the bright side, I think he likes me too. So, it's a win win situation." See? This is what I was talking about.

"What do you even like about him? " I asked.

"You mean the qualities except his killer looks? I'll tell you, I love how he can balance his hate and generosity. Even if he hates someone, he will never ever talk shit about them. He respects every single being." She didn't even realize that she was smiling the whole time. I love how harmless she is.

"If you say so. I guess our conversation has reached it's end. You can go. " I said as we reached the front door of her house.

We said our goodbye's and I drove back to Rachit's house.


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