Chapter 2

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Timotheé drives me to my workplace, and I admire him and his looks. He is quite handsome. I see his beautiful green eyes meet my own eyes, and I blush and turn away in embarrassment.

We finally get to the cafe that I work at, and I change into my uniform. After noticing that my 2 best friends aren't here yet, I decided to get to work. I walk around the stained counter and wait for a customer.
"Hey," I look up and see my work friend, Zendaya."Hi Zendaya!"

Zendy Wendy and I chatted about life and just other things. Zendaya is extremely beautiful and majestic, but she's already in a relationship. We were talking about relationships when she laid her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, y/n you'll find the right one soon. I just know it." Her hand is moved off of me by Timotheé. He doesn't say anything he just goes and sits back down in his chair and sips his coffee.

"Hey y/n!" I look over and see Harry and Olivia waving at me. I hop over the counter and run over to them, almost slipping on something spilled on the floor. Harry pulls me into a hug, and I blush and smell him. He smells like crisp autumn leaves. As I look over my shoulder, I see a jealous looking Olivia. When Harry pulls away from me, I get up and hug Olivia. She smells like fresh vanilla beans. I pull away from her and start to explain why I called them here.

"Ok, so." I pause to think about what I'm going to say. "My mother," they cut me off. "YOUR MOM?" They say in unison. "Yeah, she came to my house and was trying to break in." "Not again." Olivia sighs. "So I called the cops and they took her away." I tell them. "And, the police gave me a free bodyguard. His name is Timotheé." I inform them as I point to him.

He looks confused but stays seated and continues to sip on his coffee. I look back over to my besties. "That was so kind of the police to give you a free bodyguard. Maybe Timotheé will finally make your mother stop." Harry says, pushing his hair behind his ears. Lord, Harry is so good-looking. His ocean blue eyes and beautiful brown hair. I blush at Harry's good looks.

Olivia clears her throat. "Y/n, can you get me a croissant." I snap out of my trance and nod. I get up and walk over and heat up a croissant for her. I would do anything for Miss Olivia Rodrigo. She is undoubtedly the prettiest girl in my life. I love her so much, but not as much as I love Harry.

I run back over to them, almost running into this old blonde lady. "Her you go, Liv!" I say enthusiastically, handing her her croissant. "Thanks Y/n you're the best!" She says, gobbling down her croissant. As she devoured her croissant, I couldn't help but stare at her. She's so pretty even when she's eating.

All of a sudden, I hear banging on the counter. "SOMEONE COME TAKE MY ORDER IVE BEEN WAITING FOR LIKE 5 MINUTES." I see the blonde lady from before yelling. "Sorry guys, I have to go deal with a Karen. I'll be back soon." They laugh as I get up. I run behind the counter. "Sorry for making you wait, ma'am." I apologize to her. "You better be sorry..Making me wait 5 minutes." She scoffs.

I gulp. "A-Anyways, w-what can I get for you, ma'am." I stutter. "I'll have an iced caramel mocha frappé. And a croissant." She tells me,"And make it quick." I write down her order. "And can I get a name for your order?"

"Taylor Swift." She says, throwing her hair behind her head aggressively. "Ok Ma'am you can go sit down and I'll bring your stuff to you!" She mom walks away, and I turn around and start to make her coffee. I secretly spit in her coffee because she was rude to me for absolutely no reason. I take a small bite out of her croissant. I begin walking over to her.

As I'm walking to her, I see her coming towards me. I raise an eyebrow at her when all of a sudden I slip on the liquid that was on the floor before. When I slip, I accidentally throw the coffee and croissant at Taylor, causing the coffee to bust all over her white cardigan. "AAAAh." She screams." LOOK WHAT YOU DID, YOU LITTLE FREAK! YOU RUINED MY NEW CLOTHES! IVE HAD IT WITH YOU IM GOING TO CALL YOUR MANAGER AND GET YOU FIRED AND THEN IM GOING TO SUE YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR MONEY YOU LITTLE BUM!"

I start to tear up. No one has ever been that rude to me before. "What's going on over here?" Timotheé asks, putting an arm around me to comfort me. I see Olivia and Harry run over to us. "Are you ok y/n!?" They ask concerned about me.

Taylor clears her throat loudly, "EXCUSE ME!? Why are you all comforting that piece of TRASH!?? I'M the one who got BRUTALLY ATTACKED by this LITTLE RAT CREATURE!?" I start to sob.

"Uhmm, you're the rat creature. And you're the one attacking y/n." Olivia defends me. "Yeah, and y/n didn't even do anything wrong." Harry also defends me. I have the best friends ever!

I hear Taylor growl, and then she tries to shove me, but Timotheé grabs her arms before she can touch me. She gasps and then storms off to the door.

"This won't me the last time you see me y/n! I'll be back for my revenge, you little rat! You just wait! I will make sure you suffer!!" She runs out the door.

"That lady is insane." Harry says, pulling me into a hug."I'm glad she didn't hurt you." "Me too." Olivia chimes in.

"I think I'm just going to go home now." I say softly, still terrified about what just happened. "It's ok, we understand." Olivia says, and Harry nods. I wave bye to them, and Timotheé drives me home.

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