Book Three-4: Sister talk

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After Laito left, seeing that the two girls had a lot to talk about Amaya sat across from her elder sister. "Just...Just where have you been Amaya? This entire time I didn't even think I had a sister!"

"Well surprise sis." She said with a smile. "But to answer your question...I've been all over the place after being given to a different family who raised me. This entire time I've been searching for you. I swore you'd be here again when we were little but you ran off...I've been so concerned for you. Where did you go?"

Taki sighed out before she leaned back against the bed frame. "I love Kou Amaya...I thought he was the one for me...but with what you said it makes sense now. How he acts and treats me. It makes me wonder...should I even try."

"I think you should, the only reason that relationship didn't work was because of big brother Carla. I can keep him occupied and from there you can get Kou to love you again. That is if that's what you want to do." Amaya stated

Taki sighed as she hugged one of the two pillows. "I don't know anymore." Taki said before she sobbed out. "I'm so confused, I don't know who loves me and who doesn't. This is driving me into insanity!"

Amaya knew that it was her fault and went to hug Taki. Taki instantly hugged her back before she sobbed out against her younger sister. "I'm going to make this all right but you need to help me in return."

"H-Help you? W-With what?" Taki asked through her sniffles.

"My clothes...they are so out of date. Help me?"

Taki giggled a bit and smiled. "sure! I'd love to!"

Taki gave Amaya some old clothes of hers and made them match before Laito knocked on the door. "Ladies time to eat."

"Alright we'll be right down Laito." Taki said loudly

Taki finished with Amaya's hair before the two of them made their way downstairs to the dinning room. When they did the six males were surprised to see how identical the two girls were.

"Evening boys." Amaya and Taki said in unison

None of them knew what to say, that was until Kanato spoke up. "Which one is Taki? I can't tell."

"I'm hurt Kanato." They said in unison.

"Now that's just freaky.Which is the real Taki?" Ayato asked

Subaru scoffed. "You're a dumb ass. It's obvious the girl in the purple is Taki."

The two girls looked to one another before going up to Subaru. They then kissed either side of his cheek. "Smart boy. Kudos to you for knowing me so well." Taki said happily

Taki and Amaya then sat down beside one another, Taki then laced her hand with her sisters. "I want you boys to formally meet my little twin sister Amaya. For those who remember the truth, she's the reason behind it. Those who don't she apparently didn't think you needed to know, but she knows how to explain everything better than I can."

"Evening boys, to the four who do remember there's a reason I personally let you keep your memories. Let's start from who I see first and go from there. Shu Sakamaki, you kept yours due to your close relation with my sister. I know you love her you just need to get the lazy stick our your ass and be the man I know is in you." Amaya said seriously, she then looked to Subaru. "Subaru Sakamaki, you kept yours because you saved my elder sister from death. Carla didn't poison was all on Kou. But he knew if she died there'd be hell to pay, so he had to reverse his own mistake. You had the compassion to do so even if in the end she went into hysterics and killed you first."

"Now Ayato, you kept yours due to even though she wasn't here both times you still kept her in your thoughts and thought highly of her. I agreed with your thoughts both times, she doesn't deserve to be around Kanato which is why he never kept his memories. His own insanity would have killed Taki. That wouldn't be good for any of us, Reiji never kept his due to his lack of compassion towards her. The stoic shit just ain't gonna cut it with my big sis." Amaya explained before she looked to Laito. "And lastly laito...You've confused lust for what is love. I let you keep your memories to see if you can feel those loving feelings for my sister again."

"and what of the impure bloods?" Ayato asked

"Ah, so you're the one who'd ask about them...Only one knows the truth. Kou, just for sheer torture. He hurt my beloved sister so he will go insane until he fesses his sins to my beloved sister." Amaya said as she hugged Taki tightly.

Kanato and Reiji knew not of anything that was being said but listened well to what was being said. Shu then spoke up. "She'll be taken by him half a year from now won't she?"

"She will, I count on that happening...that is if none of you can show my sister that you love her. If one of you do...then she won't get taken." Amaya explained

"And how long will we have you here with us?" Reiji asked

"Not long...but I want to make sure that no one kills Taki. If she dies...well literally all hell breaks lose if it's not by natural cause." Amaya stated

None of them spoke after hearing that. Taki had eaten while Amaya was speaking, she then looked to Reiji. "May I be excused, I finished eating. Thank you by the way, your cooking has gotten better."

"Yes you may, and thank you Taki."

She excused herself before she went to the garden, as she did she felt eyes watching her but said nothing as she picked up a pink tulip. She then began to sing to herself, a song Kou and her had made together. As she sang the song she tore the petals off of the flower before she broke down crying. She hated knowing that she had been played by Kou, she was pregnant with his kid and he didn't even seem to care.

He acted the entire time which upset and pissed her off. "Hate him so much! But why do I still yearn for that dumb blond asshole!" She said through her sobs

Little to her knowledge the male she spoke of over heard her speaking to herself and felt heart broken hearing her speak so down about him. He wanted to go up to her and hug her, telling her that he loved her, but he couldn't...not yet anyways. He could only watch her for now.

"Sis! Sis where did you go?!"

Kou's eyes widen as he soon saw a female who looked just like Taki go up to her. "Amaya...what is it?" Taki said sadly

"Big sis, I know why you left...I'm sorry about talking about Kou with you there. I didn't mean to discomfort you."Amaya said sadly

"It's's just hard to think that he had fooled me for so long. I swore he loved me but if he...he was just using me why even let him keep this stupid memories? Why let him keep those feelings that I obviously never knew about? I should just kill myself and let all of those boys suffer."

"No! Sis please don't!" Amaya said hugging her tightly. "Listen, I know your emotions are all over the place, that you don't know what to do or think anymore. But let me tell you before everything was fucked over by Carla, Kou did love you. For fuck sake's he wouldn't shut the fuck up about you to his fans. It's why he asked you be around him, he wanted to flaunt you off to them. Then things changed when he heard you sing for the first time."

"So...So what do I do?" Taki asked sadly

"Talk to the four that still have their memories, they have time before the Mukami brothers make their not-so flashy entrance into this shit hole. When that happens you need to restrain yourself."

"What from killing Kou? Yeah you better hold me the fuck back Amaya." Taki said seriously

Kou frowned hearing the woman he loved talk, then again it was his fault it happened he couldn't do anything about it and left leaving the two girls alone. He had much to think about and time to spare. Amaya then sighed a bit. "I'll be coming in and out of this place, I'll tell you when to brace yourself. For now, live like you've lived here all your life."

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